Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin
Except for people over 65 years of age, coronavirus most vulnerable people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, said the Minister of health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko.
however, he warned that today there are patients in serious condition who has not attained even forty. Also, the Minister of health drew attention to the fact that the use of alcohol by patients at times made it difficult to assist them.
“That is alcohol in this situation is definitely not recommended. Let’s agree: now it is harmful in any quantity. The same with Smoking. Somewhere there was a rumor that it supposedly kills coronavirus. This is absurd,” quoted Murashko RIA Novosti.
He explained that every smoker has some kind of lung disease, at least, bronchitis, and attaching to the disease of the virus “just before a fall”.
the Minister called on to abandon not only bad habits, but also from rich and heavy foods. He advocated a rational and balanced diet and also exercise in a well ventilated area.
“anything that strengthens the immune system, now useful. In addition, the seasonal rising level of insolation and temperature is also work for us. However, have to wait for a steady plus 25. Here then we are sure all will be well”, – concluded the head of Ministry of health.
the who on 11 March announced the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 pandemic. According to the organization, in the world recorded more than 634 thousand cases of infection, almost 30 thousand people died. The total number of coronavirus patients in Russia has reached 1534 inhabitants, of whom 1014 of them in Moscow.
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