Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Roman Vasilyev
the Russian government has instructed the Ministry of economic development, the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of industry to develop measures to support the sphere of public catering and services, as well as owners of commercial real estate. About says on the website of the Cabinet.
the government Also ordered Federal authorities to translate the maximum possible number of employees to remote work from 27 March.
the Regions recommended to suspend work of shopping Mall, cinemas and a ban on Smoking hookahs in public places.
According to the latest who data, the world is infected with a coronavirus has already more than 414 thousand people, more than 18 thousand died. In Moscow, identified 410 cases of coronavirus, only in Russia – 658. The mayor said that in the capital of the peak has not yet passed.
Russia imposed a number of restrictive measures. Vladimir Putin has declared the days from March 28 to April 3 output to most Russians could stay home and have less contact with other people. During a forced vacation for those who work, will continue to accrue wages.
In some regions, including Moscow, cancelled classes, prohibited events, and it is recommended for employers to transfer employees to work remotely from home.
In the capital there is a high alert. Sergei Sobyanin has asked citizens to refrain from communicating with older relatives or acquaintances. He urged them to respect the home mode: Muscovites over age 65 and citizens with chronic diseases are a vulnerable group COVID-19.
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