History 24/03/20 fed: how Nicholas II created the biggest Bank in the world
In any country its national currency is one of the main guarantors of independence. While its issue by the Central Bank owned by the state. Only the United States, things are different. For the issue of the dollar, one of the major reserve currencies, responsible private financial company by the fed. In fact, its shareholders manage the world economy. But the most unpleasant is that the money of the share capital, the fed gave Nicholas II.
the Russian Empire – world arbiter
Despite the popular notion that pre-revolutionary Russia was the gendarme of Europe, in reality it was a world power, which sought not only to end wars, but the establishment of an international body governing the relations between the two countries. Being on the throne, Alexander II in 1868 initiated the signing in St. Petersburg Convention “rules of war”. This document specifically included a ban on the use of a number of inhumane types of weapons. His example was followed by Nicholas II, organized in 1899, the First world Conference of the World. With the active participation of the last Russian Emperor, a proposal was made to establish the League of Nations, a prototype United Nations. Sounds unbelievable, but then in the end of XIX century Nikolay II c rostrum talked about the necessity of ending the arms race. In our days anyone visiting the UN Secretariat, will be able to personally see the letter calling on the participation of all countries in the world Hague peace conference, which discussed the creation of the League of Nations, signed by Nicholas II.
Money is the engine of policy
Simultaneously with the discussion on the creation of the League of Nations in the early twentieth century raised the proposal for the establishment of an international financial authority. Its function was to include the regulation of financial disputes between different countries. Just then, a proposal for POPsDenmark, the fed. From the first days of its existence, this financial institution is in essence an international private Bank, which had to have its own share capital, denominated in gold.Today, the dollar is not backed by gold or commodity weight USA. But in 1913, it was different. At a time when we created the fed, the dollar, as the ruble, was obliged in case of need to exchange for the equivalent in gold. Not surprisingly, as of its share capital, the fed had large reserves of gold. Where did it come from?
U.S. banks that participated in the creation of the fed, their gold as share capital could not provide under the law of the United States.
it was Assumed that it will provide the countries of the world, for settlement of disputes between them and the fed created. However, almost none of the major world powers have responded to the offer to Finance your own foreign exchange reserves nominal capital of FRS. Did it only Russia, in the person of the Emperor Nicholas II. The contribution of the Russian Empire the fed is made up of 88.8% of its share capital in gold! While Russia had a year to 4% from investments as dividends. However, shortly after the establishment of the fed the revolution broke out, and then there was the shooting of the Royal family. The Soviet Union did not recognize the debts of tsarist Russia, and therefore had no rights to her income from foreign assets. To pay interest to the fed was no one. Sorry. Go history of Russia on a different course, perhaps today is not the United States, and our country would be the owner of the printing press the world’s reserve currency.
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