Photos: instagram.com/suffolkowls
In Suffolk shelter owls in the UK brought a bird with obesity, reports the BBC. As it turned out, due to the extra weight, the female little owl lost the ability to fly.
the Bird weighed 245 grams, which is a third more than the norm. Ornithologist of Suffolk shelter Rufus Samkin explained by the fact that the bird lived in a place with very fertile land – there have become too many mice, which mainly feed on owls.
“We think she’s a little overzealous with the food,” – said the expert.
In the shelter a female brought to a local farmer. First, the experts decided that the bird is injured, and therefore couldn’t fly, but it turned out that the cause of the other. In the end, the owl put on a diet, to the weight of the birds was reduced to 150-170 grams.
At the beginning of November last year in the capital’s Sheremetyevo airport a man not allowed to Board with the cat due to the fact that his pet was too heavy. Baleen together with carrying weighed 10 pounds, whereas according to the rules of the carrier in the cabin can carry animals weighing up to eight. In the end, the steward had to fly another plane and a little cheat, not to take the furry friend in the cargo compartment.
then the man said that he would try to reduce the weight of your pet to normal before the next flight. New year’s cat lost a pound.
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