Photo credit: TASS/Vladimir Gerdo
the President of the Russian Union of travel industry Sergey Shpilko has estimated the losses of world tourism due to the spread of a new type of coronavirus in China. It is reported IA “NSN”.
According to experts, the ban on entry to China will result in big losses to the global tourist market. Share travel in China is only 4% of their total number is very small numbers.
a Very different situation, if we consider a ban on travel from China. Now Chinese tourists account for about 11% of the global total.
“If the ban will be in effect during the year, it will be a substantial loss. A release of a significant part of world supply. Hotels, restaurants, museums will be missing a decent number of seats and will suffer serious losses”, – concluded Shpilko.
Previously, the Federal tourism Agency said that China remains more than 5.6 thousand organized tourists from Russia. Most of them returned according to the bought tickets, and those tourists who decided to stop to rest, unable to return early on the trip. All organized tourists will return home until February 4.
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