The estimated losses of the Russian banks from the holiday of credit due to coronavirus

According to analysts, the credit institution will miss more than more than 150 billion roubles in interest income due to the pandemic.

Recall, on Wednesday Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the decision to enter the holidays on mortgages and consumer loans to the Russians, whose income because of the adopted restrictive measures in the framework of the struggle with the Chinese virus decreased by more than 30%. Also, the Central Bank encouraged lenders to restructure loans affected by the coronavirus companies operating in the segment of small and medium-sized businesses.

“at least ten percent of all borrowers will be eligible for a grace period. Banks will lose or will get delayed (depending on the terms of restructuring) of over a hundred billion in interest income, which is five percent of the annual income of the sector”, — stated in the report of the Agency.

measures to delay payments on loans provided for small and medium businesses. 20% representatives of this segment can use this measure, experts say, which will lead to the loss or delay in receipt of another 50 billion rubles in interest income.