BMW gets for the construction of electric cars in the Leipzig plant less subsidies as requested. The European court of justice (ECJ) dismissed an appeal by BMW, and the free state of Saxony against the EU-Commission is final.

The Federal Republic wanted to pay BMW € 45 million aid, the EU Commission, however, approved only 17 million. This sum could be paid to the car maker, according to the judgment, the judges in Luxembourg now, said a BMW spokesman in Munich.

The Federal Republic of Germany had the planned investment allowance already signed in 2010 in Brussels. BMW wanted to invest 392 million euros in production facilities for the construction of the electric car i3 and the Hybrid sports car i8 with an electric motor and a petrol engine.

Brussels, however, decided in July 2014 – the two cars were running from the Band, to promote the regional development of 17 million euros would be acceptable. This corresponds to the difference in cost between Munich and Leipzig in the planning, investment, production, and logistics. A subsidy of € 45 million would distort competition.

BMW has estimated its cost of investment at the site in Leipzig, however, to 46 million higher than at the Munich site and complained. In the first instance, the European court rejected the suit in 2017. The judgment of the European court of justice (ECJ) is now the last word, however, there is no legal remedy is possible.

BMW has now invested over two billion Euro in the Leipzig plant. The 5300 employees are building four models – the small 1 – and 2-he, the i3 and the i8. Last year around 245 000 cars were running in Leipzig of the Band.

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