Biography 28/02/20 “the Curse of Tamerlane”: told the operator, who filmed the opening of the tomb of Timur
8 years ago, Malik Kayumov was called the last living witness of the opening of the tomb of the famous Tamerlane. By the time everything except the operator, who filmed this historic event on film, was already dead. At one time it was Malik Kayumov warned all participants of this operation about the terrible curse of the tomb of the commander.
a Talented operator
Malik Kayumovich Kayumov was born in Tashkent. Until the end of his days he did not know exactly neither the number nor the months or even year of his birth. Presumably, he was born in the spring of 1911. More reliable information is not preserved. Then even in Moscow not all children were recorded, as expected in the registry office, to say nothing about Uzbekistan.
Immediately after high school, Malik got a new local Studio, which later became known as “Uzbekfilm”. There he worked as an assistant operator. This craft had the young man to his liking, and in the early 1930-ies he went to the capital to submit documents in at VGIK cinematography Department. At some point Kayumov has decided that he knows enough, he dropped out and returned to Uzbekistan.
With experience came to Kayumova and all-Union fame, and recognition. His documentary photography has consistently received the highest scores of experts in the field of cinema. Therefore, no wonder that he was sent on an expedition which was intended to open the tomb of the Uzbek hero Tamerlane.
the Cursed tomb
on 21 June 1941, Soviet scientists opened the tomb. Immediately broke the winch. Try as he might, the members of the expedition, to fix it and failed. Therefore, the heavy plate was moved manually. But the oddities did not end.
the cameraman Malik Kayumov during a lunch break, met the three elders. They showed Kayumova a book and said that it is written about cursed by devil itselftie that befall mankind, if they disturbed the ashes of the ancestors. Old people claimed that opening a grave or to be a bloody war.
Malik Kayumovich immediately told what they have heard to their colleagues, but they interpreted the words of unknown strangers seriously. The tomb was opened, and the next day came the Great Patriotic war. At least, so he said Kayumov in the documentary “the Curse of Tamerlane” in 2003.
After the opening
Kayumov told about the curse to General Georgy Zhukov and asked him to give the order to bury her back. Only after this was done, the Soviet army began to win first significant victory in the war.
as for the Kayumova, he, like many members of his profession, during the war years served as a front-line operator. He was twice wounded and came home disabled.
However, operator art Malik Kayumovich not abandoned. In all his life, he made over 400 documentaries, many of which have been awarded the highest ratings and awards in the field of cinematography.
Kayumov died in 2010 at the age of about 100 years. Buried operator in his native Uzbekistan.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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