Photo: video screenshot telegram channel “Moscow news”
the investigation Committee opened a criminal case against the woman who put a young child behind the wheel of a car. It is reported by the senior assistant administrator of GSU SK of Russia around the city Yulia Ivanova.
According to her, concerning 25-the summer woman criminal case under article “Involving of the minor in the Commission of acts dangerous to the life of minors”.
According to the investigation, a drunken woman during a trip to Moscow by car-share put behind the wheel of a young child. In the back seat of the car was another child.
According to Ivanova, the law-enforcers establish the whereabouts of the woman.
As reported in the traffic police, the woman renting the car car-share, was deprived of driving license for drunk driving.
Earlier aired a story about how a resident of Moscow region put behind the wheel of a car-share infant son. The article noted that the woman was allegedly in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
In the suburbs drunk mother planted behind the wheel of a little son
see also
Vehicle car-share BMW blew a stop at subway Annino the Internet appeared the frames of an accident with a car-sharing on Petrovka