Photos: Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov
the Tver district court of capital has arrested Igor Fefilova, who is accused of murdering a man in the Tver region. The man will remain in custody until may 31, 2024, as reported by the Agency “Moscow”.
“the Tver district court of Moscow issued a resolution on election of a measure of restraint in form of detention for a term until may 31, 2024 against Igor Fefilova, who is accused of committing crimes under part 1 of article 158 of the criminal code (“Theft”), part 1 of article 161 of the criminal code (“Robbery”) and part 1 of article 105 of the criminal code (“Murder”)”, – declared in a press-service of the court.
Earlier it was reported that the police detained the visitor, a suspect in the organization of a fire in the apartment and killing the man. During the investigation in the house 4 in the Corner of the lane was found dead, as well as traces of intentional arson.
the audit showed that the man died from multiple stab wounds in the abdomen.
Earlier Thursday, 2 April, the police detained a suspect in the killing during the conflict in the Parking lot of the capital’s shopping center “Aviapark”. As a result of fight one person died.
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