Photo: AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu
In China there is no ban on personal tourist trip, however, leading online aggregators reservation China disabled services to order tickets for foreign destinations to 9 February, reports the Agency “Moscow”.
In the tourist Association “World without borders” can’t assess the damage from the suspension of Russian-Chinese tourist industry and economy of the Russian Federation, as the term quarantine pause is still unknown.
the Association said that in the first quarter of 2019, Chinese citizens made about 130 thousand trips to Russia, of which almost 121 thousand visits – as part of tourist groups.
an Outbreak of coronavirus began in Wuhan at the end of 2019. Cases of infection have also been detected in South Korea, USA, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, France, Australia, Canada and Nepal. In China at the moment, a new type of pneumonia infected more than 4.5 thousand people. More than 100 people were killed. The state Committee of China reported that 52 cases of a patient successfully treated and discharged from medical facilities.
the Russian Embassy in China establishes the possibility and the order of departure of compatriots from Hubei province. At the moment, China remains more than 5.6 thousand organized tourists from Russia. Most of the tourists return, according to the bought tickets, and those tourists who decided to stop to rest, unable to return early on a Charter tour operators. All organized tourists will return home until February 4.
Head of Academy of Sciences warned about the risk of a global epidemic of coronavirus by March
the CPS decided to prepare physicians in Russia to the treatment of coronavirus and transfer of the hospital on a strict anti-epidemic regime. Measures to prevent the spread of disease be in the Railways.
the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin was assigned to organize the headquarters for the coronavirus. To enter his deputies, heads of the Ministry of transport, Ministry of health, Rospotrebnadzor, EMERCOM, Ministry of interior and Ministry of industry and trade.
see also
Russian the airline suspended flights to Citiassist commented on the suspension of receiving groups of tourists from China