The members of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) imprisoned for terrorism, they actively looked for the support of the political independence to their actions. So it is in the summary of Operation Judas, who reveals the ambiguous relationship that the CDR had with leaders and other stakeholders in the world of independence. In their telephone conversations, the detainees boast of being the bridge between the president Quim Torra and his predecessor, Carles Puigdemont, and imply that the Government supports and even behind the pretending to be your actions, the more high-profile: the occupation, for a week, in the Parliament. Also applaud and criticize, in those conversations, the attitudes of the parties and the entities nationalists, such as ANC and Omnium.

October 30, 2018, a woman identified as Mireia B. called Ferran Jolis, one of the detainees and the man who should be in charge of securing communications during the occupation of the Parliament. The Civil Guard says that both maintain a romantic relationship. Jolis says that it is involved to fund and, while not committing “crimes of blood”, sometimes “crosses the line”. He also boasts of his contacts in the political sphere. Appointment, for example, that Albano Dante Fachín will be asked to give “training” to their circles because he was “riding on something called the alternative.” Dante Fachín, who was general secretary of the Can in Catalonia, came after to the CUP, launched the platform called “Som Alternative” and was a candidate of Front Republicà in the general elections of last April without achieving the seat. The detainee agreed to do this, but you indicated that it should “put it in the budget.”

The telephone conversations of the CDR given to understand a certain disappointment with the pro-independence leaders. Jolis is the most extend. In the same conversation with Mireia, boasts that he works in the village with the family of Jordi Cuixart -in prison by the judgment of the procés – and that it has complained that “Omnium going to be yours” and “sabotage”. It also applauds the “good direction” that begins to take the National Assembly Catalan (ANC), thanks to the direction, that gives it its leader, Elisenda Paluzie. Always according to Jolís, Cuixart believes that “the Left have betrayed” and that the PDeCAT “serves to Torra” that “is what it is”.

Paluzie is also named in a conversation between Eduardo Garzón -another of the detainees – and a so Erik, who comments on a kind of partnership with the ANC. “We sat down with the ANC… Paluzie has been sitting in a fucking meeting, and we have said yes yes yes, and then we have behind”. To which Garzón replied with the same distrust towards the independence leaders: “No, if it is not we can trust”.

Torra, known with the alias of Gandalf, is one of those who is mentioned with greater regularity. In her statement to the judge, Jolis said that, as he had commented Xavi Buigas -another detainee – the occupation of the Parliament was an order that came directly “from above, Presidència”. When the prosecutor asked for concreteness, the computer pointed straight at Torra. The alleged involvement of the Government in that action, however, appear not only afterwards, but in the own telephone conversations.

The October 8, 2018, Buigas called to Jolis and explains the plan: “All of this is a thing that is linked with people inside. What are we going to do there is to defend the Parliament of a possible entry…”. What Jolis asks: “When you say people inside, I mean the Government, right?”. “Yes of course. And both,” he answers, Buigas.

Jolis boasts also of having organized the meeting with the sister of Puigdemont -which took place in a car in motion, and between strong security measures – and planned to do “the same thing with Gandalf”. As explained in the telephone conversation with Buigas, the son of the president would be the one who would manage a “meeting-like”. “I say similar because as is the security service that you can’t leave…” The aim of all this is, express himself, “to shield some secure communication channels” between Puigdemont (identified as Lisa) and the Torra. “Obviously between them and members of their families, but also between them and me,” says Jolis.

In the dialogues also appear tied to other characters coming to the pro-independence, as the tertuliana Bea Talegón. Jolis says that Talegón -who was elected “substitute provisional” Clara Ponsatí in the list of Junts per Catalunya of the last european elections – he called to know if you knew a guy linked to Anonymous that I was going to post some revelation about Albert Rivera, leader of Citizens. The computer says he was in charge of the security of Talegón and discovered the authors of some threats received by her as “the president”.


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