In the dispute with Iran to set oil Tanker remains London hart and rejects according to the British foreign Minister, Dominic Raab exchange.

This is a from Iran set the British oil Tanker and a in Gibraltar held super tankers with Iranian oil. “There is no consideration,” said Raab of the BBC. Iran’s President Hassan Ruhani had previously proposed the exchange of the two ships.

the UK had, on 4. July, set in Gibraltar the Tanker “Grace1” with the explanatory statement, that he had violated Iranian oil to Syria on Board, in breach of EU sanctions. Iran denies this. 19. July, the Iranian revolutionary guards stopped in the Strait of Hormuz, the British oil Tanker “Stena Impero”. The reason given was that the ship has not complied with international rules of navigation, GPS System, switched off, and environmentally damaging materials on Board. Both sides spoke of “piracy.”

the UK had raised after the fixing of the “Stena Impero” the idea of a European sea mission in the Strait of Hormuz. The German industry for the Bundeswehr’s deployment in the Persian Gulf under the umbrella of a European Mission. The President of the Federal Association of German industry (BDI), Dieter Kempf, said the German press Agency: “A working commercial shipping is for the exporting nation, and the industrial country, Germany is of paramount importance.”

defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU), had not excluded a participation of the Bundeswehr in a European protection mission in principle.

The Left warned about a German participation in a possible military operation in the Persian Gulf. “This Region is a powder keg. The risk is huge,” said the party Chairman Katja Kipping on Monday in Berlin. “From the German side, there should be only one clear Signal: We will participate in any escalation, a use in this Region in any case.”

According to the view of Kipping the fuel crisis in the Strait of Hormuz and the conflict around the Iranian nuclear deal hang together “closely”. If such a use will first started, he could escalate even further. And in the end Germany would be threatened “to be part of a war with unpredictable consequences”. “Now it needs a sense of proportion. Now is the hour of diplomacy,” said Kipping.

The AfD’s foreign policy expert Armin-Paul Hampel warned of a rapid establishment of a EU-sea mission against Iran. While the AfD is in favour of Germany military shooter important sea lanes, if necessary, table. But, Hampel added: “those Who want to use military means of protection for the free shipping, but must also think of the consequences.” Each must be clear that in the case of a worsening of the crisis as an Ultima Ratio, military means could be used. The AfD Chairman Alexander Gauland had spoken out against it last week for the UK’s proposed Marine use.

Reuters topics in this article, Iran London Golf tank exchange Stefan Raab oil Tanker United Kingdom Strait of Hormuz, Gibraltar ship, EU, Germany, Stena Impero Bundeswehr, conflict, Katja Kipping Tehran BBC’s Hassan Rouhani, Syria’s New in policy dispute set Öltankter Iran proposes to exchange prior to Refuel – “No Deal”, says the British government DPA display in star journey’s worlds in Sicily in the spring with flight and half Board from € 899,- TV-criticism of “state violence” to Trivialize, lie, cover-up – ARD-documentary about the Problem of police violence By Daniel Wüstenberg scandal to President-Tweets So hypocrite the White house defended the Baltimore-bashing of Donald Trump, Marc Drewello rage in Russia Can overthrow the protests, Putin in a crisis? DPA protests in Moscow showed the Russian state television, as thousands of people on the streets were received From Ellen Ivits “shit-hole”-Tweet Trump insulted Baltimore as a “rat infested” – it will have its own Restaurants, a Hygiene Problem By Steven Montero Over 80 vehicles, Street-View-equivalent: In these cities soon, Apple’s camera cars on the roads, DPA, head of the US safety authorities Already has a way with Dan Coats is one of the last Trump critics of the decision of the ECJ Facebook: Who bears the responsibility for the “Like”Button? DPA Enigmatic complaints Kremlin critic Navalny: Abscesses on the body – Doctor poisoning holds for possible DPA 40 new Levels of Mahjong – free to play! Climate objectives “contract of the century play”: Söder wants to make climate protection into the basic law to accommodate the AFP in the province of Idlib in Syria: observers reported Dead in air attack verbal attack on Baltimore Trump on Twitter: rant and proclaim +++ Trump-Ticker +++ the staff carousel to The next one, please: US secret service Director Coats leaves office AFP New racism-allegations Trump pestet against Baltimore – CNN-presenter from the U.S. city of almost burst into tears More than 1000 arrests in Moscow, police beat back protesters – the call: “Putin to step down” hundreds of anger in Russia: the truth behind the mass demonstrations in Moscow, DPA climate change, Why we without prohibitions no longer Idlib are living with Three children struggling to Survive: A photo shows the misery of war in Syria, AFP To Trump Tweet hands away from meatballs and Ikea – Fans of ASAP Rocky call to Sweden-Boycott to AFP


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