trips to Israel are booming. In the past year, 3.6 million tourists visited the country, an increase of 25 percent compared to the previous year. The main attractions in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the Dead sea. But not only pilgrims, cultural and beach tourism. More and more of Israel, visitors will discover the country in may, the 70. Anniversary of the States founding, is the diverse nature.

thanks to improved flight traveled 2017 links more than 200,000 Germans to the Holy Land. Many of them had their walking shoes in the Luggage. Because while we in Central Europe still frosty temperatures, the Winter and spring months, ideal for walks through olive groves, along the Jordan valley, through the canyon-like Wadis in the desert landscape, and on the summit – some with names, we are from biblical stories familiar.

the first German-speaking Hiking guide for Israel

For all the nature lovers of the “wall of leaders, Israel is now” in the German language appeared, the 41 trips between Galilee in the North and Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba in the South gathered. In the tried-and-tested series of the “Rother walking guide” presents the author Winfried Borlinghaus easy walks with not even an hour of walking up to the multi-hour climbs as well, such as, for example, the demanding Tour on the 450-Meter-high Mount Timna in the South of the country.

log of longing With steam boat, Carriage, and elephant – as travel is still an adventure

Most are circular walks, which are supplemented by detailed route descriptions with refreshments, maps, and elevation profiles. “Little known is that Israel has to offer is an extremely varied nature, which can best be experienced on foot,” writes Borlinghaus in his Foreword.

another advantage is that hikers are moving on these routes, away from the overflow of pilgrims and tourists and also faster in contact with the population. Conclusion: a book that includes, finally, there is a gap in the rule, Israel-travel guides and Lust for power, the country from a new perspective.

+++ read also: “steam-ship, Carriage, and elephant – as travel is still an adventure +++



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