Update from 26. March 2019: they come from different generations, but the love for the hit connects, Andrea Berg and Helene Fischer in your life. Their music makes you in the fight for listeners to competitors, nevertheless, the two maintain an intimate relationship. However, Florian silver iron close to Andrea Berg very. The 53-Year-old is currently in a quandary, finally, Fischer had given her Florian, after ten years of relationship.

If the mountain takes now party for Florian Silbereisen? Compared to the picture, the singer is now taking a position: “of Course, I have been moved by the separation. I know Helene and Florian for a long time and you have to be very fond of. A breakup hurts incredibly and I have done both sorry.“

your reply would be a mountain in every message of this world welcome. Diplomatic would have been the 53-Year-old with the impending Dilemma can not steer clear of.

Hard competition? The Andrea Berg thinks about Helene Fischer

Our article from June 2018:

Almost 20 years difference in age between the two women. Andrea hill (Andrea Berg separates from Vanessa-may Manager – now she speaks at last, how extratipp.com* reported) that made the song great, Helene Fischer made him modern. In Interviews, the 52 is raised-year-old mountain often on her younger rival in the shock business.

+ Helene and Andrea at the Bambi awards in Berlin© picture alliance / dpa / Michael Kappeler”at the Time, there was a Wolfgang Petry and me.”

On the question of their relationship to the fisherman gave the mountain the weekly magazine Superillu now a clear answer: “your way is good for me, it makes me a bit proud. Then there was Wolfgang Petry and me. We have made the song popular, gave the first huge concerts. Today, the Schlager enjoys extreme popularity. Helene could be my daughter, and if she was, I would be insanely proud of.“

Not a trace of envy and competition – instead, the impact ladies have a lot of admiration.

see also:

Helene Fischer: history of the new friend makes well for first termination

Prettier than the real Helene Fischer? Double each week, two proposals of marriage

So we see Helene Fischer rare: At once it loses the version

it really Is Helene? All-too-revealing photo in the network can be Fans of puzzles – “you don’t need”

“This loneliness is crazy”: So open Helene Fischer speaks in an Interview

is So beautiful Andrea Berg’s daughter (20)

*extratipp.com is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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