noise instead of compromises: More than four and a half weeks after the start of the longest budget of the U.S. lock’s history has exacerbated the dispute between President Donald Trump and the Democrats once again. In the center the date for next week in Congress planned speech of the President on the situation of the Nation, the annual “State of the Union advanced on Wednesday”. The Chairman of the house of representatives and the opposition boss Nancy Pelosi threatened to refuse to Trump the level of media interest, should the financial blockade.

trump’s speech on the state of the Nation, such As Nancy Pelosi the “Shutdown” against Trump used – and the revenges

in The budget dispute revolves around one of Trump demanded sum of 5.7 billion dollars (five billion euros) for its project of a wall on the border to Mexico. The Democrats deny him those resources. The dispute had developed increasingly to a personal feud between Trump and Pelosi, the chairs since the beginning of the year the house of representatives. Your democratic party won the congressional elections in November, the majority in this chamber.

Nancy Pelosi is exacerbating the pace

as Long as the budget continued to lock, will not vote in the house of representatives on a Resolution that will allow presentation to the President’s speech, wrote to Pelosi and now to Trump. A joint resolution with the Senate, in the Trumps, Republicans hold the majority, is a prerequisite that the President must be allowed to speak before the Congress.

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With your recent letter tightened Pelosi their gait. Already in mid-January, she had asked the President in writing to postpone the speech or in writing. At the time, she is not threatened but still in order to take themselves the Initiative and the speech to call off. With your present letter, the opposition boss replied to a recently received Letter from the President, in which he insisted, to hold the speech at the designated time and place. Trump called it a “very sad for our country,” if his speech would be.

A spectacle as Donald Trump loves

Trump had fired his dispute with Pelosi in the past week, he refused, in the short term, a military aircraft for a troop visit in Afghanistan.

The annual address of the President in front of both Congress chambers is a time-honored Tradition – and a media spectacle, as it loves Trump. He highlighted in his recent Letter to Pelosi that it is “very important” to keep the speech to their usual place.

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The President could deliver the speech while in the Oval Office or at a rally in front of supporters. There, they would act less pompous than in the ambience of the assembled parliamentarians in the Capitol building.

32 protest minutes for 32 “Shutdown”days

The since 22. December continuing budget freeze affects approximately a quarter of the Federal authorities, the need to work on the back burner. The some 800,000 affected Federal employees get their salaries not paid out, a large part of it must still continue to work. Affected are also numerous private companies that work for the government. Their employees get in contrast to Federal employees, their wages later on don’t pay.

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About 500 of the affected workers occupied on Wednesday in a peaceful protest action over a period of several hours, a Congress belonging to the building in Washington. They remained 32 minutes in Silence – one Minute for each of the then 32 full days of budget freeze.

to stop New Attempts to “Shutdown”

this Thursday is supposed to be in the Senate on two bills to end the “Shutdown” referred to Blockade a vote. Two advances are, however, given little chance of a majority.

One of the initiatives comes from the ranks of the Republicans, and provides for the budget to September. The Text contains the of Trump the sum required for the construction of the wall, as well as its proposals on immigration policy. The other legislative initiative comes from the Democrats and only sees a short between the financing of the authorities to 8. February. Thus time will be gained, to discuss border security and immigration.

dho / Daniel Jahn / AFP / DPA


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