The number of species that are gone forever from this earth, is rising with frightening speed. Responsible for this new mass, the human civilization is extinct. This was the result of the Global Assessment Report, the most comprehensive international survey of the types of protection that the world’s biodiversity sitätsrat IPBES in Paris has presented.

For this global inventory of the species diversity of experts and researchers from more than 50 countries for over three years, many Thousands of evaluated scientific Work on the development of biodiversity in the past five decades.

you have identified five factors that contributed to the negative development of biodiversity in the world: the use of land are likely to threaten the land and seas, biodiversity – three-quarters of all the land and two-thirds of the oceans had already changed significantly by the people. On the other, repressed the invasive species native plants and animals – the number of these invasive species had increased in all regions of the world by 70 percent. Similarly, a direct use of plants and animals, climate change, and pollution of the environment to the species, contribute to die. “No Ecosystem is unaffected by human beings. The intensive use of land is the largest driver for the deteriorating state of the earth,” said Marten Winter-German centre for Integrative biodiversity research in Leipzig.

The use and overuse of natural resources by the people has adopted unprecedented trains.

Prof. Dr. Almuth Arneth

Of the estimated eight million species of animals and plants that exist in the world, is under threat according to the report, around a Million in danger of extinction. In most of the habitats in the country, the number of naturally occurring species had declined by at least 20 percent. More than 40 percent of amphibian species, nearly 33 percent of reef-forming corals, and more than a third of all marine mammal species are threatened. Also in farm animals is disappearing diversity: More than nine percent of the for use as a meat supplier or a work animal domestic mammal breeds are extinct by 2016.

The extinction of species is a threat to the mankind, self-protection of species : The Last of her kind © BEN STANSALL/AFP/ extinction of species : “The species of this earth and ensure our Survival of the” species extinction : The largest mass extinction in the person item”> The authors of the report see a clear connection between human influence and negative consequences for nature. triggered To the topics page

But the decline of biodiversity can be stopped? Yes, write the authors of the report, but only if at all levels immediately and consistently against the control. This was not previously the case: “The National strategy on biological diversity and the EU biodiversity strategy are terrific failed. The loss of Biodiversity, should be up to the year 2010 stopped, but even with the extension to 2024 has helped nothing; because the pace of species loss is greater than ever,” said Teja Tscharntke.

We are on a profoundly non-sustainable development path, “

Jens now kowitz, a researcher at the Museum für naturkunde in Berlin and one of the lead authors of the current IPBES Reports,” said A “Royal road to stop the mass extinction of species”, the report. “From country to country and Region to Region, different measures will be successful, in order to eliminate the most pressing threats to biological diversity and ecosystem services.” It is essential that biodiversity and intact Ecosystems “as the conditions of our social life and economic activity”. Currently, the humanity is “a profoundly non-sustainable development path”.

The urgency of a Shift also stressed Julian Gutt from the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar – and marine research in Bremerhaven, who had also worked as a lead author of the IPBES Report: “the complexity of The coexistence of humans with all other creatures on earth makes for a good Survival is still urgent, and to an even greater challenge than in the past.”

The world Council for Biological diversity was established in April 2012 at the UN level. He is currently comprised of 132 member States. The official Name of the body of IPBES: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, i.e., an inter-governmental platform between science and policy information about biodiversity and Ecosystems provide. 29. April to 6. May have met in Paris, the 132 member States of the world biodiversity Council to adopt the global Assessment.

More about the types of protection to endangered animals and plants, poaching and the eradication of which you can read in the TIME-ONLINE focus on “The Last of their kind”.


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