History 20/03/20 Any red Army soldiers at the front fed the best
During the war could devalue any material value, but not food: coveted was even a stale piece of bread. Especially important good nutrition was at the front and rear, did everything the soldiers did not experience hunger.
special treatment
From the first days of the great Patriotic war the Soviet authorities began to carry out strict control of all food stocks, which was a necessary condition of entering the distribution system. Cut not only the number of products, but also a list of them. Rationing subordinate to the rigid discipline of wartime.
primarily in the course were the products which the storage was more scarce goods temporarily adhered. Moreover, the account statements show only the total amount of meat, fats, vegetables without division into types – the range was secondary. Strategic food reserves began to grow in 1938 and at some points the beginning of the war reached the target level. In the first place is related of flour, groats, dry milk and tea.
In the first months of the war, food reserves and their replenishment began to decline steadily as the Germans capture more and more part of the Soviet territory. By the end of 1942, the Soviet Union lost over 70% of farmland, which, in particular, has grown to 38% of sugar beets and 84% of the grain. In addition, the front had sent a significant portion of the male workforce and equipment involved in the collective farms.
All to front
In this difficult time the whole country was working to the front. To the front went the bulk of available food. The army also left tens of thousands of chefs, for which the front has become a real culinary laboratory. They try their best, the fighters diet making possible richer and more nutritious. A windus war it was recognized that this delicious cereal, as in war, they did not eat more than ever.
Often the soldiers to receive packages from unfamiliar people. On the personal initiative of citizens sent to the front, traditional Russian food – wild berries, pine nuts, dried mushrooms, pickled apples, and honey and jam. The village indulged fighters with bacon, sausage and pastries.
the Kazakhs were sent to the front line dairy products, koumiss and hurungwe, Uzbeks sent mainly dried apricots, raisins and dried melons, the people of Transcaucasia, lemons and tangerines. Other delicacies during the war it was impossible to buy in stores.
Differentiated norms
the highest allowance for servicemen were in the army. Irina Tajidinov and Eugene Krinko in the book “feeding the troops in 1941-1945.” write that in combat units enlisted officers relied from 800 g to 900 g of rye bread (depending on time of year), 500 g of potatoes and 320 g of other vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots) and herbs, 170 g of cereals and pasta, 150 grams of meat, 100 g fish, 50 g fat and 35 g sugar.
Flying and technical personnel of the air force were given increased rations (with hot Breakfast). Daily allowance of bread and potatoes in the pilot was the same as the infantryman, the rest of it was above and apart from other things, was attended by other products: 190 g cereals, 390 g meat and poultry, 90 g fish, 80 g sugar, 20 g of condensed milk, 20 g cheese, 10 g sour cream, 20 g cheese and half the egg. In addition, the aircraft in case of unscheduled landings kept the food supply, which included canned foods, including condensed milk, and biscuits.
If you compare the daily allowances of servicemen of the red army in the Great Patriotic war that gave the soldiers of the Imperial army in the First world, then the caloric content, it was lower mainly due to the fact that the diet of soldiers of tsarist Russia was attended by more bread and meat.
Bread on the front lines
the Basis for the nutrition of soldiers in the war was the bread, which constituted approximately 80% of the diet. The rear of the bakery was provided by first army. However, if the supply of bread to the front was delayed, then it was baked right at the forefront in outdoor braziers.
Given that rye flour was scarce, for the production of bread is often used barley flour. Especially delicious was barley bread made with leaven. Sometimes baking bread frontline used wholemeal flour, which was mixed with barley. This sort of bread required a longer cooking period and were firmer.
If flour was very tight, as during the battle for Moscow, the baked bread from potatoes and bran – he got the name “Rzhev”. In fact, potatoes soldiers often replaced bread. “Will gather at the first garden potatoes and cook directly in the bucket, and then sit around like Gypsies, and we eat, who hands, a knife, a spoon, and some just a stick,” recalled one of the soldiers.
What is not a soup?
At the front must be hot soups and soup brewed out of almost any ingredients that were at hand. Popularity pea soup. With good alignment, it was cooked with pearl barley, frying of onions and carrots and potatoes and stew.
If there was no food for the soup, could be satisfied with the decoction. For example, frontline chef George tried not to pour water in which boiled rice, he was filtering and distributed mugs of fighters. The same thing he did with pasta broth. This “bread water”, too saturated and partially replaced the soup.
In times of famine for the preparation of soup, the red army used horse meat, often scoring the healthy horses. Guards major Boris Slutsky wrote that it was practiced in the spring of 1942: “I still remember the sweaty sweet smell of soup with horsemeat”.
That the German will send
Sometimes your diet Soviet soldiers supplemented grocery trophies. For example, taking possession of a field kitchen of the Romanians our soldiers enjoyed the grits. And in the German rations met exoticfor the Soviet man pea concentrate, the surprise caused and hybrid honey with butter – the mixture of the red army willingly spread it on bread.
Dropping over the positions of parts of the Wehrmacht box with the products, German pilots often missed, and the precious supplies fell straight to our soldiers. Absorbing inherited them sausages and chocolate, the Soviet soldiers “had sent thanks to” hungry and licking Fritz, located just a few hundred metres from them.
And without chocolate
in the autumn of 1943 during a General counter-offensive, the provisions on the front has deteriorated. Some commanders have solved the food issue by harvesting vegetables, creating in parts of the farm.
back in the summer of 1942 the people’s Commissariat of defense issued a decree, according to which “for additional power forces” responsible person had to collect wild berries, mushrooms, nuts, herbs and roots, and to organize fishing and hunting in the combat zone, and the territories of the military garrisons.
since 1944, supplying the army with food gradually normalized, in the letters of soldiers often you can find something along the lines of: “the food is great, eat greasy, delicious and plentiful”. Mentioned above, Boris Slutsky wrote: “Less than high living standard of pre-war life helped, and not hurt our strastoterpets. We had an army that was included in soldiers ‘ rations and chocolate, Dutch cheese and sweets.”
Taras Repin
© Russian Seven
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