Heroes 14/03/20 Sniper Semyon Nomokonov: why the Germans were so afraid of the “Siberian shaman”
Hunter Semyon Nomokonov declared fascists “dine-tologoy” – a merciless war. He won all sniper duels and survived under heavy artillery and mortar fire, aimed solely against him.
the same Age as the century
He was 41 years old when the war began. Semen Danilovich Nomokonov of the Chita region were enrolled in evako-economic platoon 348 th infantry regiment. In the red army book, it was listed as illiterate carpenter. Also there was a record of his nationality – Tungus-hannigan. Behind was left a difficult life. With seven years he has never parted with a gun. In 1919 he married and lived in birch-bark tent on the Bank of the river Urulga. Earned a living by hunting, raising six children. But the “black hand troubles” broke into his house. The scarlet fever died of his four sons and a daughter. Not having experienced grief, died a wife. Survived only the son Volodya. The child needed supervision, so Simon married a second time to the lonely girl, Martha, who insisted on a settled way of life in the municipality “dawn of a new life.” So he became a carpenter in the taiga village Lower Mill, where he was Shilkinskaya district mobilized for war.
Neverously kind of Tungus
service from the very beginning of a headache. Tungus, which is not always understood the orders, no one wanted to take into battle. That’s why he was credited with a field kitchen. However, it drove the cook, as it was incorrectly cut bread. Soon Nomokonov received chastisement from superiors over the fact that I confused the size when packing outfits. In early August, 1941 during the bombing he was injured. However, after a few days, Semyon Danilovich was already on his feet, however, are very poorly heard. The chief surgeon sent neuroimage of the “Evenk” from Siberia for the manufacture of crutches, and colleagues sarcastically threw in his face that in Russian, he knows only toMandu for lunch.
Tula rifle No. 2753
the events of these days have evolved rapidly, and soon had broken through the front. The hospital, which was seconded Nomokonov, was behind enemy lines. Almost all the soldiers of the convoy were killed, the rest went West in search of Germans to surrender. The mood was subdued, only Nomokonov, an experienced hunter, did not panic and easily found his way back to his. In this section of the North-Western front, where fiercely fought the Soviet 11th army, all the soldiers and commanders who came out of the encirclement, immediately enrolled in part newly formed 34th army. New units were ordered “at any price to delay the rapid advance of the Nazis on the South-East of Staraya Russa”. These days in the red army book Nomokonova there was a record that he is armed “Tula rifle No. 2753”. It was a brand new three-line Mosin, which Tungus picked up in the woods.
Eight Krauts
16 Aug 1941, the division Sergeant Smirnov, to whom fell the fighter Nomokonov, came into his first fight. Attack of the Nazi infantry repulsed easily. Selecting a good position behind mangled stumps, Tungus easily put a few German soldiers. The enemy after the first loss, immediately retreated. Soon, however, appeared heavy tanks. Of units saved only two – Tungus and Sergeant. However, this time out of the environment was not necessary. The sudden counterattack of the red Army pushed the front line westward. And again the little man was Nomokonov, sent to auxiliary service in the funeral team. So he became a “sapper 529 th infantry regiment”. One day in late September 1941 at the Valdai heights Tungus, which said that he “sleeps on the fly”, shot and killed eight German spies and thus saved the wounded commander. On the tube, with which he never parted, Simon put eight points. So he later led his “bookkeeping destroyed by the Nazis.”
the Sniper “Siberian Shaman”
After this incident, he was in a sniper platoon Lieutenant Ivan Repin. In December 1941, the newspaper of the North – Western front “For the Motherland” reported that Semyon Nomokonov from Transbaikalia destroyed 76 of the Nazis. However, we are talking about evidence. The fact that the sniper Tungus was a very humble man. His first feat at the Valdai heights (about the destruction of eight of the Germans), he was asked with passion, not really believing the testimony of small bony minesweeper. This distrust is deeply sunk into his soul. In the end, he beat the enemy, not for reporting. Therefore, the “Siberian shaman” – as it was called then – preferred to talk only about proven cases. Total of 695 chief of staff of the regiment captain Boldyrev, he destroyed during the war 360 of Nazi soldiers. His accuracy was known to the Nazis, arranging real artillery and mortar hunting for Soviet sniper. However, Nomokonov thought through their positions and from the point of view of waste. Anyway, he was wounded nine times, but it never “went” to the Germans.
Letter from Germany
after the war, Semyon Nomokonov was a man popular. About his exploits published articles in Newspapers and even in books. Wrote to him and ordinary people with a sense of gratitude. One day he received a letter from Hamburg. It was written about a German woman who wondered: “Maybe his tube was level, and about the death of my son Gustav Ehrlich? Prayed the man with such high merits about their victims”. When Nomokonova read it, he dictated to his son answer: “Quite possibly, dear woman, what on the tube that I smoked at the front was level, and about your son – didn’t catch all the robbers and murderers, who came to the war and who were in the crosshairs of my rifle. And Leningrad ruthlessly destroy fascist bastards. If your eyes saw you, German women, what did your sons in Leningrad, would curse them.”
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