figures for the Declining number of students and the Trend to study burden the education in small and medium-sized companies.
The slight increase in Trainee Numbers in the years 2017 and 2018 was only a temporary phenomenon, driven by the labour market boom and the Integration of refugees explained that KfW Economist Arne Leifels. “For the just-started year of training in 2019, I expect a slight decline in new contracts.”
According to a survey by the national development Bank small and medium-sized companies expect less trainees in the current training year. Every fifth operation of the survey thereof, to employ fewer apprentices than in the past. Only 13 percent wanted to hire more apprentices. Two-thirds was expected to be constant Numbers. In the survey in the first half of the year, Managers of more than 10,000 companies took part.
Between 2017 and 2018, the number of trainees was increased nationwide, even slightly, by 1.2 percent, as the Federal Statistical office in Wiesbaden had to be determined. Now, the signs are different, said KfW Economist Leifels. The dual system of vocational training return to their long-term Trend, “the numbers due to the declining number of students and rising inclination to Study is clearly negative”.
In the years from 2013 to 2017 offered by the KfW is that 14.1 per cent of medium-sized companies at least one training course. It was between the Federal States there are significant differences. In lower Saxony (including Bremen) was the proportion of the training medium-sized company with 20.5 percent at the highest. Propping up companies in Berlin (9.5 per cent) and Saxony (10.3 percent) were.
according to The figures, it is the larger SMEs with more than 50 employees that shoulder the main load of the training. Of these, about three-quarters of a train. In principle, a company applies, the smaller, the lower the probability that it employs apprentices. Of the companies with less than five employees, only five percent were last. In the process, these companies make up the largest share (80 percent) of the middle class.
training is for the employer’s expensive: How expensive exactly is vary from industry to industry, but in the cutting operation always pay for it, said crafts President Hans Peter Woll zeal, most recently, the German press Agency.
According to the latest cost-Benefit analysis of the Federal Institute for vocational education and training (bibb) for the training year 2012/13, the operating per Trainee carries annual costs of about € 18,000 – at the same time, the apprentice is around 12,500 euros. That adds up to three years of Training at a cost of approximately € 16,000.
The middle class is considered the backbone of the German economy. Seven out of Ten employees work in small and medium-sized enterprises. As trainers, they are extremely important: 90 percent of the company’s apprentices work in SMEs. The KfW company with a turnover of up to EUR 500 million. Then there are about 3.8 million mid-sized businesses.
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