Contents page 1 — “Eight hours of sleep I get in holidays” page 2, Directly to sleep? “I still want to have something from the day” On a page

read how we spend a third of our lives? Sleep. Anyway, if all goes well. Why sleeps the man at all, how many hours are enough and what will help, if we can’t go to sleep at night and in the morning as whacked to Wake up? These and other issues is dedicated to TIME ONLINE the focus on “Better sleep”.

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Lara S.* taught the subjects of English, math, and Social development. You must have enough sleep, in order to create your hard Job.

My daily life as a Trainee teacher at a school is challenging. In the class there is often confusion. And since my students are between six and ten years of age, it is sometimes extremely loud. Because I teach different subjects, I need to rethink often, and me re-sort. This includes the responsibility to teach the children. That is why I try to always sleep eight hours to get to sleep for class.

A sleep routine, for me, is extremely helpful. I usually Wake up around six, my working day starts at eight o’clock. When the students go home, for me, the lesson preparation for the next day or a teachers conference. As soon as I get home, I try not to let the day through small business ventures with my husband or family and friends – if I’m broken. Before I go to bed, I look mostly a little TV or reading. At about ten I’ll turn out the light.

The weekend, I go more often to bed a little later and sleep a little more. The change to Sunday. My sleep is so ritualized, that I actually have no problems, on Monday again to get up early. Whether I was celebrating on Saturday or not. In the holidays I need less sleep. Perhaps this is because I have to then bear no responsibility.

The nurse

Vera Gehrke has been working for 25 years as a geriatric nurse in Bochum, St. John-pin. Eight hours or longer she sleeps, almost never – this is mainly due to the shift operation.

there are three different layers: Late, Early and night service. Overall, I’m eleven days and then have three days. The late shift starts at 13.15 PM. I like to start. After about a week, I then move directly to the early service, starting at 06.15 hrs.

Vera Gehrke is a geriatric nurse and has got used to the shift operation. Especially the night services perceives it as “unnerving”. © Private

Because the Transition is so seamless, it’s hard to develop a solid sleep routine. The change from Late to early shift is a difficult one. Because I would like to have after the last late shift a little leisure, I go at the same time to bed as the days before. The next day I have to get up then, but shortly after four o’clock in the morning, instead of after nine. Eight hours of sleep I get, accordingly, only in holidays or at the weekend – I usually sleep five to six.

With the layer change my daily routine will change. After a late shift I go for a walk with my dogs a small round. Before going to sleep, I go a little reading or watch a movie. After my early service, I rest me a little. After that, I have a little more time to take care of other things like my garden.

In the night’s watch, I work in the evening half past nine, up in the morning half past seven. I used to like to do, but since I was about 50, I find it unnerving. After the half of the layer I reach a dead point. Then even routine work on the Computer exhausting. Because we now have two staff for night shifts and employees are not obliged to, over 50, make night guards, do I work this layer, fortunately, becoming increasingly rare.

On the weekend, I will take back the missed sleep often. Since I sleep a good ten hours in the holidays as well. Just when I had longer free, is it hard to get back into the daily work routine.

“Better to sleep” “Better sleep” – a focus

It is the Season in which many feel they should make better winter sleep. Reason enough to devote ourselves to right now, sleep is even more intense. Why we sleep at all, what happens in the brain, sleep disorders are the new people’s disease, what rest know the research about our night?

All you read in the focus on Better sleep.


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