Tonight the new season of “Sing my song – the exchange concert” with the songs of Max Giesinger starts at 8:15 p.m.

“Max Giesinger is one of the biggest German pop stars. He writes great pop hymns and is the catchy king. When you hear a song from him, you immediately know: That is his voice, ”says“ Sing my song ”host Michael Patrick Kelly enthusiastically about the first artist of the evening of the new exchange concert season.

"Sing meinen Song": Bringt Max Giesinger in Folge 1 alle zum Weinen?

Photo: TVNOW / Markus Hertrich


An emotional roller coaster ride

Max Giesinger is super happy that his music is the focus of the opening episode this evening: “As a musician, it’s the most beautiful show you can attend. I am so excited to see whether it will reach me emotionally in such a way that tears come to me, ”said Max Giesinger at the beginning of the evening.

This is followed by an emotional roller coaster ride with many reviews of broken relationships, one’s own childhood, rocky career paths and of course with the new interpretations by Michael Patrick Kelly, Nico Santos, Ilse DeLange, MoTrip, “Blessed” singer Jan Plewka and LEA. “The last time I was so excited was at the driving test,” the artist confessed of the evening.

"Sing meinen Song": Bringt Max Giesinger in Folge 1 alle zum Weinen?

Photo: TVNOW / Markus Hertrich

These are the highlights from the first episode

With “What is still to come” wrote Max Giesinger an anthem to continue. On the exchange concert sofa, he tells his fellow artists about his hard start in the music career – and his training as a banker, which broke off after two weeks.

“You could dance to the song really cool,” thought Nico Santos when he heard the title for the first time. And styled it into an 80s hit with a lot of groove. “It had eggs, Digger,” praises rapper MoTrip. And for Ilse DeLange it is also clear: “What a bomb!”

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The SmS journey starts with @maxgiesinger, who is unlikely to recognize his songs tonight? Is his excitement justified? #singmeinensong # sms2020 # south africa # follow1 #exchange concert #vox

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Rapper MoTrip moves everyone to tears

“’80 million ‘went through the roof at the time – and then became an EM song,” recalls Max Giesinger. It was actually a song about his great love, which broke shortly afterwards as a result of his great success.

MoTrip has now recharged him autobiographically: “I want to tell the story of the song completely differently.” With new lyrics, he reports about his childhood, in which he had to flee to Germany before the war. That doesn’t leave the other artists cold. “I am emotionally completely blown away by the wind – after less than 30 minutes,” says Max Giesinger.

Before his performance, Michael Patrick Kelly’s knees are still shaking: “This is my third time. Still, I’m a bit scared every time. The nervousness just doesn’t go away, ”he reports. On the first evening he chose “When she dances”. Max Giesinger dedicated the song to his single mother.

"Sing meinen Song": Bringt Max Giesinger in Folge 1 alle zum Weinen?

Photo: TVNOW / Markus Hertrich

Michael Patrick Kelly now wants to touch single parents worldwide with his reinterpretation of exchange concerts – because he translated the text into English. “What did you do with my number please? I’m happy that you can do something like this with my songs, ”Max Giesinger is amazed.

“Blessed” singer Jan Plewka promises to sing “Empty Space” as if the song was his own. Which new interpretation will be awarded as the “Song of the Evening” will be shown by VOX today from 8:15 p.m. in the first episode of the 7th season “Sing my Song – The Exchange Concert” – and can already be seen exclusively in advance on TVNOW.

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The Max Giesinger songs

Nico Santos – On what’s coming
MoTrip – 80 million
Michael Patrick Kelly – When she dances
Ilse DeLange – For you
Max Giesinger – never better than now
Jan Plewka – Empty Room
LEA – Forever


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