Shuiski: what happened to the last Rurik on the throne

Biography 18/03/20 shuiski: what happened to the last Rurik on the throne

the Traditional characteristics of Basil Shuisky as the “evil nobleman” is gradually disappearing. Years of his reign coincided with one of the most dramatic episodes in Russia’s history – the Turmoil. Shock States responded to personal tragedy the last of the Rurik.

Portrait of

In the eyes of historians and playwrights Vasily Shumsky often appears as a figure devoid of attraction. “More cunning than smart, and utterly isolain istrianisches,” so he sees the king historian Vasily Klyuchevsky.

Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, though pays tribute to the courage and strength of character of Shuya, but recognizes that their best qualities courtier saves not in life, and in the fall. The poet was echoed by Nikolai Karamzin: “fall from greatness in the ruins of the State.”

Contemporaries also complained of Basil Shuisky good epithets, calling the Lord Sonicom, the Shubin, hinting at supporting trade and townsmen when entering into power.

Prince Ivan Kutyrev-Rostovsky finds Shuya and attractive features, noting that the “book lesson and happy rasstojanii mind exceedingly smilin”. In the description of the young actor British Ambassador dzhils Fletcher called him the most intelligent among the other members of the genus.

the Resourcefulness and insatiable lust for power and his is more of a stamp of the established in the historiography of “the Romanov time.” That is a caricature portrait of the last Tsar of the Rurik is best contrasted with the beginning of a new dynastic era. The image of the real Shuisky much more complex and at the same time tragic in tune with the troubled time in which the king rules.


the nobility of the family shuiskis, whose patrimony was the lands of Suzdal, is always inferior to ancestors of Ivan Kalita, established in the Moscow Principality. However, in Austria and Poland-the fountain that is called “princes of blood”. And for good reason. After all, the shuiskys had the first right to the Moscow table: their race, according to one version, led the beginning from the third son of Alexander Nevsky Andrei, while the princes of Moscow went from the fourth son of Daniel.

In another version of the pedigree of the fountain dates back to the younger brother of Alexander Nevsky, Andrei Yaroslavich, which also gave them the formal right to supremacy among Rurik. In 1249 is Andrew, and not Alexander received the label on the great reign of Vladimir.

the Immediate founder of the fountain was Yuri, who got the inheritance part of Suzdal Principality – the town of Shuya area. Since then, the two branches of the Rurik, the shuiskys and the Danilovich led a covert war for leadership. Shuiskys, of course, got rich feeding and the awards, but it was not enough.

In the time of Ivan IV the young boyar Andrei Shuisky – grandfather Vasily Shuisky managed to actually be at the pinnacle of power, the temptations which he could not resist. And paid for that, becoming the first victim of the terrible.

Between apalai and mercy

Through the costs of inter-clan rivalries had to go and Vasily Shuisky. Not only Danilovich, and other boyar clans – Belsky, Mstislavsky, Godunovi and the Romanovs. Under Fyodor Ivanovich Shuisky headed the Moscow doomsday order that was added his influence with the service nobility. Godunovs and the Romanovs did everything to Shuya lost such an important post. In the spring of 1585 objectionable nobleman sent to Poland to Smolensk.

Smolensk link was only the preamble to the confrontation between Shuya-Godunovs. In 1586 accused of relations with Lithuania shuiskys were subjected to persecution. Basil was exiled to Galicia, and his older brother Andrew, one of the most prominent representatives of the dynasty, dies under mysterious circumstances. Not without Boris Godunov – historians believe that.

However, still influential Vasiliy Shuya turned profitable Godunov: link suddenly canceled and the disgraced boyar returned to Moscow to investigate the death of Tsarevich Dimitry. But there was probably another reason – the confrontation Godunov with gaining political weight of the Romanovs. Shuiski was seen in brother-in-law of the king best ally.

In the reign of Boris Godunov, Shuisky was in the shadow of the monarch, had tempered ambition and was waiting in the wings. He waited in a not very appropriate time when many Russian cities were hit by famine and a series of popular unrest. But the main shock for the state was the coming of false Dmitry I.

When false Dmitry took the throne of Moscow, he did not forget about Shuisky, convince the people in nastynasty “legitimate heir”. Indeed, it led in its time due to the death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich , and he do not know that the last son of Ivan IV died. Boyar was sentenced to death which was commuted to exile. Again months of suspense, forgiveness, and the sudden return to the court. But now but knew he could do: the position of “the natural king” by that time, visibly shaken.

the Reign

the historian Vyacheslav Kozlyakov, Shuya knew when to say what was expected of him. To say and do. The Lord had only to push the masses to the overthrow of the impostor. But he did not let the process take its course and showed prudence: secured Marina Mnishek and ambassadors of the Commonwealth from an angry mob in order to avoid conflict with a dangerous neighbor.

beyond the main conspirator is taking another important step is making a proposal for the canonization of Prince Dmitry and the transfer of his remains from Uglich to Moscow. This he does three things: compromises already deceased Godunov, trying to end the rumors about allegedly saved the Prince, but more importantly – preparing the ground for the accession to the throne. Metropolitan Filaret had to first participate in the reburial of the remains of the Prince, and then after elevation to the dignity of Patriarch to marry Shuya on the cartion.

at the very beginning of his reign Shuya gives not typical of previous monarchs of the oath. In “christianbale record” the newly minted king is clearly assigned protection representative of any class from the tyranny, and guaranteed lawful trial. The king also promised to end the denunciations: of perjury, the death penalty now threatened by scammers.

“the Decree about voluntary slaves”, which appeared on 7 March 1607, was dictated by a hungry and troubled times. So, slaves, trapped for some reason in bondage, was given the right to leave his master, getting rid of urban or peasant taxes.

But the “Code”, which was published two days later, forever fixed the peasants for their owners. The author of “Essays on the history of the Troubles in the Muscovite state” by S. F. Platonov noted that “Tsar Vasili wished to strengthen in place and subject to registration and supervision of the social stratum, which produces confusion and looking for a change.”

did Not leave the king unattended and the Church. Many monasteries were returned to the possession and benefits lost during the reign of Ivan the terrible. But here of course is seen the desire Shuya to thank the “sacred chin” for the support of the authorities.

the End of a dynasty

shuiski back to the throne of Rurik in one of the periods of crisis of the Russian society. If the Godunov took generally stable and prosperous state, in which only matured the beginnings of great troubles, the Shuya have a legacy that questioned the very concept of the “Russian state”. Hunger, internal and external strife, finally, the epidemic of imposture that engulfed Russia at the dawn of the seventeenth century – in such circumstances, few could maintain my sanity and political will.

Gordon did what he could. Trying to codify the right to consolidate the position of serfs and peasants. But his concessions in a difficult situation was akin to weakness.

King looked at aboutshloe Ben. His efforts to subdue the Boyar Duma was doomed: everything has changed, and in a new environment, she not only decided who to rule and whom to overthrow. Attempts to reform the moribund system turned the blows of the uprisings and the Polish-Lithuanian intervention.

With a historic challenge Shuya failed. His death far from the homeland symbolized the collapse of old Russia – the state of Rurikovich. But, notably, the revival of the Russian state came from the land which served as a stronghold of power and his Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Here began the Zemstvo movement, which eventually led to the liberation of Moscow from Russian to usurp the throne of Sigismund III.

Sprouted on the throne of the Romanovs have not forgotten about the deposed king. In 1635 on the initiative of Mikhail Fedorovich, the remains of Basil Shuisky was transported from Poland and reburied in the Archangel Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin.

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