Heidelberg – One speaks now of a world sensation! The newly developed blood test called the ‘Heiscreen’, which was developed by Doctors and researchers at the University hospital in Heidelberg, as early as possible, gently and reliably detect breast cancer.

How well the blood test works for breast cancer detection?

How Prof. Christof Sohn, Medical Director of the Heidelberg University women’s hospital, says the IMAGE could not be detected by the Test a disease to 75 percent. If women from the 30. Age study increases even marksmanship. “The Test is supposed to be an early warning system to refer women for further investigations,” the report says.

however, There are also other – in spite of positive votes to the new Test: The results are difficult to estimate. According to information from the German cancer research center (Deutsches krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) is to date published no peer-reviewed study in a trade magazine. The DKFZ-expert on this topic, did not want to comment on the new Test, since he could only speculate.

Nevertheless, the Director of the University women’s clinic of Düsseldorf, Tanja Fehm, speaks of exciting scientific data. However, it is still too early to establish the Test as a routine examination. First of all, Tests on a lot more women were needed. Many questions are still unresolved.

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New blood test for breast cancer help detection offers many advantages – how it works

For the procedure only a few milliliters of blood were needed, informed the University hospital of Heidelberg. In the investigation of so-called biomarkers are detected in response to a cancer disease. At 500 examined breast cancer patients, the Test had 75 percent of cases the disease correctly. The data indicate that the procedure should be applied this year in practice.

How to HEIDELBERG24* reported, could not make the ‘Heiscreen-Test’ before the cancer is evident, but is less expensive than the mammography process. Another important advantage is that You could also detect ovarian cancer.

More from HEIDELBERG24*: detection of breast cancer: So You ertastest a node in the self-examination

breast cancer through blood test to identify: Who pays for the cost?

18.570 women died, According to the latest Figures from the Federal Statistical office was breast cancer in women in the year 2016, the most common cause of cancer death. If the health insurance companies pay for the as yet unknown cost, is still unclear.

*HEIDELBERG24 is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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