Photo: depositphotos/dabjola
the Director of the Institute of water problems of the RAS Viktor Danilov-Danilyan predicted the possible disappearance of mosquitoes due to warm winter in Russia. He told this newspaper “Izvestia”.
the Specialist noted that during warming, the mosquitoes Wake up, but can’t find food and die. However, he added that the larvae of these insects serve as food for some fish species, without proper food they can die.
“Worry is about the fish and the tadpoles, to which mosquito larvae are an essential part of the diet. Litter can be reduced, and reduction in fish stocks will occur with a time lag of six months or a year”, – said the scientist.
in addition, the warm and snowless winters could lead to the destruction of eggs laid by a bream, the carp and carp. This, he said, will eventually lead to population declines by 20-30%.
the Agency consider that a warm winter in Russia is a consequence of global warming. Experts expressed the opinion that changes in the weather can affect the fish that live in cold waters.
Earlier it was reported that global warming has reached Antarctica. Experts noted that over the past 50 years, the temperature rose a few degrees below the frozen surface of the continent began to form rivers of melt water.
Advisor of head of Roshydromet Valery Martyshchenko said that the thickness of ice in Antarctica due to global warming has not changed. According to experts, the specificity of the region is reflected in the thickness and density of the snow cover on the surface of the continent.
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