Paul Churches open and close the election debate of the 10-N Sanchez accuses the “alleged left” we Can block Spain with right and pro-independence Errejón has not ruled out being a minister in a Government of Sánchez

The wound left by the lack of agreement between the PSOE and United we Can for the investiture has not been cauterized. And even worse as we approach the 10-N. unlike the April campaign, this time there are already strong attacks in the bosom of the left. Pedro Sánchez is not used with a glove of silk with Pablo Iglesias: the distrust of professing the acting president and the leader of United We reached this Monday a new maximum. Sanchez accused the “alleged left” to block Spain with right and independence. Churches insisted that the PSOE wants to “get him out of any equation of Government” to form a pact with the PP.

The Spanish left will revive in the next two weeks the déjà vu of the election campaign of 2016. The hegemony of the PSOE among the voters, progressive is not already in game. But yes the future Government. The mistrust between the socialists and United we Can, following the lack of agreement that led to the repetition of the general elections, the fourth since 2015, it is total. And it’s not likely to abate. At least in the short term.

the president of The Government functions and general secretary of the PSOE did not make distinctions between We and their confluences, with whom signed an agreement of Budgets, and the strategy of the PP, Citizens, and the secesionismo Catalan. Churches also do not be left behind. After you qualify of “electioneering” the exhumation of Franco —asked that be postponed until after the elections— and the “show” that surrounded the transfer of the remains of the dictator out of the Valley of the Fallen, reiterated that the PSOE longs for a result that allows you to be open to pacts with other forces. In particular, the PP.

“The other political forces are spending their time in attacking the PSOE. Your project does not go beyond the next two weeks. Focus on preventing the PSOE governs. It will be the three right-wing, pro-independence supporters who do not want a strong and stable Government, and a supposed left that unites their vows-to-right and right wing to prevent time and time again, a progressive Government”, and struck Sanchez in the presentation of his campaign slogan. With the slogan of Now, yes, the party in Government seeks to relocate the idea that, unlike the paralysis that happened to her victory in the April general, on this occasion there will be an Executive. And that force will be socialist.

The strength that Sanchez employed with his erstwhile ally assumes a twist of 180 degrees to the strategy followed in April. Then, Sanchez ignored a we Can. Worried by the decline of Churches, not dedicated even a single criticism. Six months later, the reproaches United We are as current as the criticisms of Paul is Married, and Albert Rivera. And, just three days of the start of a campaign with many more questions than certainties, the attacks have gained momentum reminiscent of 2016, when the Churches are not consummated, the sorpasso.

All the internal polls, they are the party that is, suspect that the 11 of November will be just as difficult, or worse still, get the necessary support to move forward with the endowment. And what to say in order to enjoy the stability necessary in order to complete the legislature. The cause of the volatility prevailing, remarked Sánchez, are the “front of the lock, with different objectives but with a single objective,” and, according to him, comprise the PP, Citizens, and United we Can.

Sow seeds of doubt with the PP,

Churches, meanwhile, based his campaign to sow doubt about the “left Government” that claims to be Sanchez. The secretary-general Can be claimed as the guardian of the values that are progressive and alert in the weeks since an alleged roadmap of Sanchez to pave the way to a coalition between socialists and popular. Something that has never happened in the 22 years of Governments of the PSOE since the restoration of democracy.

Even so, Churches asked this Monday to the president in functions that are involved in the campaign “to make an agreement of legislature or investiture with the PP”. In The Moncloa and Ferraz, national headquarters of the PSOE, yes contemplate a possible withdrawal from the popular, as the of the socialist in October 2016. Then Mariano Rajoy was sworn in, while the PSOE sank into its worst economic crisis recent.

Churches founded the course “plan” attributed to Sanchez in the two big topics that have grabbed the present, the past weeks: the exhumation of “the mummy”, in reference to Franco, and the crisis of Catalonia. The consequence, complaint of the leader of we Can, is that the obvious inequality rampant, and emerging threats such as the slowdown of the economy in order to “speak of security and not of the problems of the people.” “With Rivera, but it may be that with Married yes,” said Churches, recalling the phrase that hundreds of people shouted in Ferraz, in front of the headquarters of the PSOE, on the night of 28-A.

Sanchez calls for the vote to two million undecided

Pedro Sanchez believes that he is the only candidate with the transversality enough to attract the votes of the electorate less ideological and defined. The “most cautious” which, according to Ivan Round, the cabinet chief of the president in the functions, has determined the Governments since the end of the dictatorship. The candidate of the PSOE claimed this on Monday night in an interview on Telecinco the vote to two million undecided who, less than two weeks of the 10-N, do not yet know if they’ll vote. And if so, by which party is decantarán. “Spain needs a strong Government, they know that their vote is important. We have to try to break it down between all of that wall that is blocking,” said Sanchez.

In Catalonia, the president stressed that “the majority” of catalans “are tired of the loop of the independence”. “The first victims of the pro-independence are the catalans, in particular those who do not share that agenda,” said Sanchez, who ensured that the Executive’s response will be “firm” if it breaks the law in Catalonia. The conditions to suspend the autonomy of Catalonia or take control of the Autonomous with the application of the Law of National Security do not occur, repeated the president-in-office and secretary general of the PSOE.

Sanchez insisted that he will not speak with the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, until not condemned “condemned” the violence by the riots subsequent to the judgment of the procés, “shows solidarity” with the Security Forces of the State “and talk to the other party of Catalonia”. This is not independence.


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