doctors from a local boarding house in Loud talking that may just breathe, it help arrived the group of doctors, virologists and disinfectants Russian humanitarian mission. One of the local medical volunteers says:
-up To Russian chemists such thorough cleaning is not carried out here. Walls of buildings are treated not only inside but also outside. Now the main thing is not to allow a breakthrough of the virus in the city.
the Russian-speaking medical volunteers told “MK” that the pensions for elderly Italians, where he ordered the Russian brigade of medical aid, processed, corridors, chambers, dining room. For disinfection use a solution of 70% alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite, that is regular bleach.
of Course, our specialists biological protection there are other special additives and ingredients. Together, this chemical cocktail guaranteed and instantly kills the dangerous virus.
in addition to homes for the elderly “San Lorenzo” in Loud, cleared our streets of the neighboring town of Valbondione. The residents finally realized the need for a quarantine, the streets are deserted. They only military chemists from Russia in protective suits with spray special fluids for disinfection.
the Issue of personal safety – particular. All of our physicians, without exception, dressed in biohazard suits biological protection with forced air supply and multi-tiered filters. After work – mandatory decontamination shower from head to toe, every square inch.
Another group of Russians is struggling with COVID-19 in several of the Lombard towns: Clusone, Cheney and Bertola. There are three boarding house. Meter by meter the disinfectionists treat every room, every nook and cranny in the corridor. Already treated for eight medical treatment facilities and disinfected more than 21 thousand square meters of the interior.
As told journalists the head of the research Center of biological protection of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Bogomolov, processing areas puncinata takes an average two hours.
Only in Lombardy by joint teams of Russian and Italian experts fully processed already 14 pensions for the elderly.
the New field hospital is planned to be commissioned in Bergamo. It will receive its first patient with a coronavirus literally, from day to day. Designed for treatment immediately 142 ill. It is anticipated that work by international teams of doctors from Russia and Italy. In total over 20 specialists. Special attention to the intensive care unit.
Chief physician of a field hospital in Bergamo Valotti of Oliviero notes: collaboration with Russian colleagues is very important for Italian physicians. So, in his opinion, the disease will be defeated faster. Moreover, you will receive a great experience of joint struggle against the coronavirus.
See photo essay on the topic: Coronavirus in Italy: frames of life “closed country” 12 photos