1. Junction of tractor, Truck, and motorcycle

Several kilometers is a 47-Year-old Coesfeld with a peculiar mix of a tractor, a motorcycle and a truck before he was stopped. He was arrested in June in Haltern by the police. The two Westphalian cities are separated by almost 30 km. The officials were astounded at the creative self-construction: “A wooden chair served as a seat, the trailer, and the seat was secured with ropes and harnesses and a bar in front of the seat was connected to the brakes of the rear axle”, – stated in the police report that acknowledges the creative power of the designer “Total creative approach has now, however, a display… and of course the end of the journey”.

Fullscreen ©police 2. Self-built E-Bike brings almost the speed of 100

In the rock mountain in the North-Hessian Schwalm-Eder-Kreis had to watch the police in August, as a driver escaped with his E-Bike is pretty fast for a control. The officials were able to the identity and address of the 30-Year-old determined and met him and his bike home. He gave the wheel visually looks more like a motorcycle even with Parts from the Internet is built. “The rollers of the transport service in Homberg, the E-Bike reached without supporting muscle strength, a speed of 99 kilometers per hour,” according to the police. The DIY was ensured.

Fullscreen ©police star 3. E-Bike with a flux capacitor? Fullscreen ©police star

In February, was a police officer in the Westphalian city of Lünen in the district of Unna, a 60-Year-old, was on a pink Bicycle with a according to the police report, “futuristic design” on the Luggage carrier on the go. “On closer Inspection, the construction turned out to be a scientific, a Science-Fiction novel originating in Sensation, but as a plain old two-stroke engine”. As lighting is a Handlebar-mounted flashlight. He tried to insure the vehicle, said the driver and Builder, but his insurance company had declined to do so on demand. In the episode he was going on his vehicle.

Fullscreen ©police star 4. Upcycling for professionals: motor scooter from scrap

In June, an unusual motor scooter struck a Patrol in the Holy house in the district of Mettman in NRW on the sidewalk. “In the subsequent control of the vehicle driver and the vehicle, the officer was astounded,” it said in the police report. Because, as it turned out, the 55 – year-old driver of the vehicle is largely self-made of Old or scrap parts assembled. The front panel consisted of, for example, from a rightly curved Leitbake (origin unknown), the battery was largely parked unsecured in the footwell. Since the vehicle was registered or insured, conceded the official.

Fullscreen ©police 5 star. A driving beer crate

Ten HP and up to 50 kilometres an hour bring a crate of beer on the road, which has a 21-year-old hobbyist from Berglen in the Rems-Murr-Kreis in Baden-Württemberg with an engine and four wheels. The young designer was noticed at the end of October a Patrol. Apart from the fact that the vehicle has no registration, he was also in the dark without a light on-the-go. Needless to say, that he is going to be a vehicle.

Fullscreen ©police star

source: the press portal police



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