At the end of the sixties, in 1968 or, more likely, 1969, Al Pacino walked down with his bride by 14th street to the intersection of Avenue B in the East Village of new york, when it collided with Robert De Niro. Literally. De Niro had only acted in a handful of low-budget films. Pacino, three years older, was already a star in new york theatre, after its passage through the Actors Studio, and had worked in a play with John Cazale, another myth of the interpretation. In 1969 he won his first Tony. De Niro recalls perfectly the brush. Pacino is not able to put the date at the moment, but he knew the fame increased of De Niro. And defines what she felt in that first face-to-face: “Thought I would go away. Had charisma. It was obvious”.
this is ‘The irish’, the masterpiece of Scorsese Netflix waiver of a great theatrical release of ‘The irish’, Martin Scorsese
And here are a half-century later, as if it were the celebration of their golden wedding anniversary, Pacino (79 years) and De Niro (76 years old), glories new yorkers from the Bronx and Little Italy. Film Festival of London. The irish, the film by Martin Scorsese, is projected for the first time in Europe. To the hotel room, where they face a group of journalists, enters Pacino, with his bling-bling usual jewelry, shirt open almost to the navel and the feeling of that age has hit in the last two years. “Hello, good”. Behind, appears De Niro, more polished in their dress and appearance much more youthful. Pacino has dropped the volume of his verbiage usual, and used a tone almost inaudible; De Niro at least has increased the number of words per sentence, more than any judgment of their typical monosyllables. The two are leading the new contribution of the Scorsese movie mobsters: the story of Frank The irishman Sheeran, a truck driver who entered the Mafia in the fifties because of his relationship with the family Bufalino, who controlled Philadelphia and Detroit. One of his friends was Jimmy Hoffa, the trade union activist most famous in the history of the united States, who disappeared in 1975 without a trace. The first embodiment Of Niro; the second, Pacino. And Joe Pesci, retired from almost a decade ago of the action, inetrpreta of exceptional way to Russell Bufalino.
The irishman was released in movie theatres in the US last Friday. In Spain it reaches the rooms in only twenty cinemas -the only ones who have accepted the conditions Netflix – November 15 and in the digital platform can be viewed from the 27th of November. “It has been a work happy”, granted Pacino. “We know from a long time ago. We don’t see often, but we feel close to. We arrived to fame almost at the same time, we have lived through similar experiences. And obviously, both have received in the cinema similar offers. Us would define as comrades.” And remember how in the first movie that they worked together, The godfather. part II, did not coincide on the screen. “Then came the Heat, and a couple other things, such as Murder right [of which none have good memories of it]… In the end, for me The irish full our professional circle”.
expand photo Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro, in a frame of ‘The irish’.
The thriller of Scorsese is not one more film. And therefore both draw chest with your work. “We have had the good fortune of being able to be available to film it”, accords De Niro. Because The irish have suffered for decades innumerable delays caused by its budget -that is huge for a film of Scorsese – 150 million euros, necessary to rejuvenate digitally the face of the protagonists. In the case of Sheeran / De Niro, runs from his 24 years, when he became a ruthless killer in the Second World War, up to the 83, when he died. “I read the book about Sheeran when it was published [in 2004] and I found it ideal for all of us. So I went to Marty,” recalls De Niro. That many years ago, even performed a reading of the script in 2012. Pacino made his debut under the orders of Scorsese, although over time they tried to lift a project: the biopic of the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. “In acting there are things that are beyond your control,” acknowledges the actor. “That is why it is so good to collaborate with other performers of talent, because that makes you emerge things. Sums sensitivities, give and receive, allow you to skip the spark, and more in the hands of a director like Scorsese, who gives you absolute freedom and fullness of confidence”.
Resurfacing digital
The irish also reflects on the aging. How do you carry both? De Niro: “Is the life”. Pacino: “So how bad is sees us?”. Do not want to stop at that point, and also they are very concerned with the legacy they leave. “If you’ve had the luck of being in the artistic position that we have enjoyed, a fact that is unimaginable when we were young,” replies De Niro, “something you leave, and I would like to bequeath a better world, in which people help more each other.” Pacino continues: “I never thought that we’d come up here” and returns to his happiness to have worked with Scorsese.
what Is The irish movie gangster twilight-style, in the genre of the wéstern, of The man who killed Liberty Valance? “I remember very well a photo of the actors together, which was one of the last films of John Wayne. And when I saw a child I thought that was probably the only time you would see together, Lee Marvin, Wayne and Jimmy Stewart. I don’t want to make jokes or comparisons, but indeed there are many similarities”, she smiles De Niro. And on the regrets that cause violence in those who exercised during the plot of this film, something never before recorded in the cinema of Scorsese, De Niro continues: “you Can be. Have to do what they do to survive, almost in an unconscious way”. Pacino opens one eye and says: “I have No opinion. I was just listening to Bob. Although I think that’s all part of the vision of Scorsese”. Yes are encouraged to remember that the technology is not bothered by much in the shooting-they used a sort of small buttons attached to the face to the digital capture of gestures – and that they worked hard on making movements more juvenile: “The second time you sit down and get up on plan young your body creaks and you remember that you are 79 years old”. For De Niro, “all helped to complete the vision of Scorsese”.
Will they work together? Pacino joked between laughs: “Never again. It’s over”. De Niro: “I Hope that arising out of a material powerful. But, do you like this? Probably not. It is what it is”.
The scourge of Donald Trump
In London, in New York, on Twitter… wherever you Go, talk talk, Robert De Niro attacks Donald Trump, which she defines as the “president gangster”. In the european premiere of The irish actor said: “I don’t want to die, but yes go to the cárcel”. This Friday, De Niro tweeted a video that mocked Trump on the subway.