The RKI has published the current R-value! After several days in the critical range above 1, the R-value now surprises with a new deflection!

The R-value has been well over 1 in the past few days, yesterday even at 1.11! Today the RKI has now published new numbers and the R-value swings again, but luckily this time down! The R-value was now below the critical mark of 1.0, namely 0.86 (data status 10.06., 0 o’clock). This means that in Germany a person infected with corona infects fewer than one other person on average. The 7-day R value also settles at 0.86!

The counties also reported positive things recently! No district in Germany currently exceeds the agreed limit of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. 112 of 412 counties have therefore not registered any new infections in the past seven days. There are still smaller hotspots like Göttingen, but the situation seems to relax further!


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