Rachida Kaaout is stressed. “It reminds me of my years as a caf”, the breath does it. Since the announcement with great fanfare of his investiture by the Republic in The Running for the municipal elections of 2024, the candidate in Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), 41 years old, has the impression of ironing a oral every time a journalist asks him. “I didn’t think it was going to be too publicized,” she says on the veranda of a restaurant where she has her habits, rue Molière. This is a local election.”
Local ? Located at the gates of Paris, lvry-sur-Seine has everything to attract the looks of the country. It is in this city of over 60,000 people that the socialist Party post-Solferino has chosen to install its new headquarters. The mp corner is Mathilde Panot, arm-right of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the national Assembly and a rising star in France insubordinate. As to the town hall, held without interruption by the communist Party since 1924, it is one of the last enclaves of the red small crown. Only five mayors in the different eras in 95 years.
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