Vladimir Putin has shortly before the start of the G20 summit criticized in Japan, the refugee policy of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Their decision, that in the year 2015, hundreds of thousands of refugees in Germany were able to seek refuge, he described in an Interview with the British “Financial Times” as a “cardinal error”. The military Intervention of Moscow in the civil war country Syria, from which a large part of the refugees originated, evaluated it as a success.

The migration policy of U.S. President Donald Trump praised the Kremlin leader. He could judge the poor, whether it is right to build a wall to Mexico. Is bad but, if in the face of mass migration will take no one to do something. Trump wants to build a wall on the border with Mexico to stop illegal Migration and drug smuggling.

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Putin Trump called a talented people. “He knows very well what his electors expect of him.” The US President is not a professional politician. “He has his own Vision of the world,” said the Russian head of state and stressed at the same time, he accept many of Trumps methods by which these problems regards.

Putin sees growing danger of nuclear arms race

A possible influence of Russia in the last US election, described Putin as “mythical”. In contrast to his opponents Trump have felt the changes in American society and used this. The elites in the USA and in Europe have decoupled, however, from the majority of the population, according to Putin. The “liberal idea” to have survived.

In relation to the USA the Russian President sees the growing danger of a nuclear arms race. From Washington, no relevant Initiative come so far, the 2024 expiring to extend the strategic arms reduction Treaty (New Start). “I hope that I can speak with Donald [Trump] about it, if we should meet in Osaka,” said Putin. Should the contract expire, there would be no Instrument more, a race for curb equip.

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with regard to North Korea, Putin called for understanding for the security interests of the government in Pyongyang. “The tragedies of Libya and Iraq have prompted many countries to your security at any price to hedge,” said the Kremlin chief. It is, therefore, less to the nuclear disarmament of North Korea as a question of how the country security guarantees could be given. At the same time, the risk originating from the nuclear weapons of the country should be taken into account.

Full of praise for himself

The private military Intervention in Syria, Putin sees as a success on the whole line. Several Thousand Militants had been prevented from returning to Russia and its neighbouring countries, by “had been eliminated”. In addition, the Region had been stabilized, which contributed to the security of Russia. Moscow care with all States, there is a good working relationship, including Iran and Turkey. Also from the mobilization of the Russian military, the country has benefited. “Our armed forces have gained experience, you can obtain in the course of Exercises in times of peace, would not have,” said the 66-year-old Russian head of state.

Putin wants to lead at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan that starts this Friday, with Trump and Merkel talks.

ivi / DPA


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