Photos: kremlin.ru
Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions following the address to the Russians on March 25 in connection with the situation around the spread of coronavirus. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin.
the President instructed the government to begin to repay from April 1 for three months of additional payments in the amount of five thousand rubles a family with children up to three years eligible for maternity capital.
Putin Also instructed to determine the list of sectors of the economy that are most affected by the coronavirus. In addition, there will be organized a permanent monitoring of the economic situation in the country.
Putin also urged to extend the delay of six months of tax payments for small and medium businesses, with the exception of VAT. Also will be delayed for six months the payment of microenterprises insurance contributions to the social Fund.
the President also instructed to adopt, by April 15 plan for financing the real sector of the economy. Full list of instructions published on the Kremlin website.
Conjunctivitis can be a symptom of coronavirus
25 March, Vladimir Putin made an appeal to the Russians in connection with the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection. It was the first speech of the President of the country to the Russians after the revealed cases of infection in the country.
the President asked the citizens not to rely on the “Russian maybe”, Recalling that the need to follow safety rules. In this regard, the following week, Vladimir Putin declared a day off. He signed a decree declaring non-working days from 30 March to 3 April with pay.
the President also noted that due to the measures taken in advance unable to withstand wide and rapid spread of the disease. However, he stressed that citizens need to exercise discipline and stay home in the coming days.
In Russia on the background of the pandemic has imposed a series of restrictive measures. In some regions, including in Moscow, closed educational institutions the study now is in remote mode, prohibited events, and it is recommended for employers to transfer employees to work remotely from home.
In Russia, just was 1534 cases of infection with coronavirus. In recent days discharged from the hospital 15 people for the entire period prescribed 64 people. In Moscow, the virus has infected 1014 people.
In those areas, and is non-stop construction of a new infectious center
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