The promotions are certainly well-intentioned. The Land of North Rhine-Westphalia has been promoting the end of 2018, approximately 34 projects against child poverty in the country. So, there are pregnant advice, assistance in the Transition from Kindergarten to school and offers that deal with children’s health. Thus, children from socially disadvantaged house hold Sport and movement will be offered. A laudable approach – but what can these projects: children out of poverty. Because in NRW, the poverty rate increases. The hits, the Youngest of the population particularly hard.

The Bertelsmann Stiftung has considered the distribution of poverty in Germany, ten years after the last study on the subject again. In 37 municipalities, the rate of recipients of Social benefits increased in 27 (34%) it is decreased and in 16 (20 percent) remained about the same, so the result. Particularly hard-hit in the Ruhr area: Of the 37 municipalities with higher Armutsqoute 13 Ruhr area municipalities. In West Germany, the social descent is concentrated.

the risk of poverty If the wage is not enough to live on: the middle class is an Illusion?

Despite full-time jobs is not enough money in many families. You can pay for just rent, energy costs and food – for purchases or even retirement is nothing left. Officially, they are not poor.

Katharina Grimm Ruhr area where Germany’s child poverty lives

In the year 2017, every third child under 15 years of age lived almost in Duisburg, Germany, in a household dependent on government transfer payments. Similar to the proportion in Mönchengladbach, Wuppertal, Dortmund, Boch, Herne, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Hagen and Oberhausen. Here, too, the poverty rate of the children moved at 28 to 43.4 percent, according to the Bertelsmann Foundation. That is not to say that it looks in other circles brighter. The percentage of children who Wake up in poverty is, in Bottrop, Germany, Unna, Germany, or Remscheid, Germany is also still at 21.3 to 28 percent. In total, nearly 500,000 children are affected by poverty, in 2012, there were 70,000 less. Thus, NRW has reached a new, sad peak. Almost every fifth child lives in poverty. The German average is 16 percent.

the German economy had some strong years. The unemployment numbers are on the decline, the order books are filled. However, the poverty rate is not declining. Regardless of the economy, there seems to be in Germany in a base of poverty and relates to every tenth citizen.

statistics and the reality of the Illusion medium layer: when you are poor?

mid – layer that pretends to be a financial affiliation in the middle of the society. Considering the income be realistic: Many counted as part of the middle class are actually poor.

Katharina Grimm, The East, get on

poverty locates quickly in the East of Germany. Especially the lower wages, but also the weak economy were long responsible for it. As before, the share of Poor in the entire Ostbevölkerung is higher than in the West but in the East this proportion has been decreasing for years. Also children benefit. In 2011, almost every fourth child in the East, in families, the basic social security benefits have lived. Four years later, there are still 21.6 percent, according to the Bertelsmann Foundation. Still a high percentage, Yes. But a Trend is apparent, based mainly on the good development of the Eastern cities.

In the West of Germany, in contrast, the proportion of 12.4% (2011) increased to 13.2 percent (2015). This increase is fueled by three German Federal States: Bremen, the Saarland and NRW. Here, the proportion of poverty children grew faster than the West German average. 2015 lived in Germany as a whole, nearly 2 million children in poor households, nearly 500,000 of them in NRW. “Kids [are affected] the more poverty, the younger you are. According to current Figures from the child protection Agency, the number of children affected by poverty is much higher, since many families will take advantage of state benefits, but for different reasons. Thereafter, about 1.4 million children are affected more by poverty, as statistics show that a total number of 4.4 million children (up to 18 years), stated in the recent report by the Bertelsmann Foundation. “Present studies show consistently that Growing up in poverty is a demonstrable risk for the development and education of children and, thus, later in life, not without consequences remains, both individually, as well as society as a whole.”

study of poverty in the neighborhood – like ghettos in Germany

the Poor and the rich share less and less parts of the city, found a new study. Thus, the poor in ghettos form, increasingly, the dream of a socially mixed city seems to be an Illusion. Social housing reinforce this development.

Katharina Grimm, structural change, and the wrong Jobs

The Bertelsmann Foundation sees the not yet fully completed structural change in the Ruhr area as a Problem. Where there used to be a good and secure jobs in the coal and steel industries, are up to today, no new work driver. There is a gap. “Although the German economy is doing well, concentrated the wealth to only a few. On the other hand, lives in our state, now more than every Sixth of the subsistence minimum”, the Chairman of the social Association VdK NRW, Horst Vöge, to the “westfälische Rundschau”. “If we do not resolutely fight the social divide, endanger, we in the long term, not only to our prosperity but also our democracy.”

the cause of child poverty in the rest area was mainly the unemployment of the parents, Jutta Reiter, region managing Director of the DGB-Region of Dortmund-Hellweg, Dortmund “nordstadt blogger”. “Therefore, it is Central to offer unemployed parents a job to fair conditions. We hope that the planned social labour market as a relief for the affected families,” said Reiter. “You cannot fight poverty, you must stop long-term unemployment and precarious work. The combating of unemployment and the expansion of tariff binding is therefore the most effective means against child poverty.”

distribution of the report, the Rich are richer, poor are getting poorer and the middle class shrinks By Katharina Grimm

rider sees another Problem: It would have created Jobs, but the people would not have the qualification. “In Dortmund, 13,000 jobs since the 80s originated in the academic sector. But you qualify but someone who is in SGB II,” she said on “Deutschlandfunk”. There is no labour market in the Ruhr area, for gering qualified people. So the structures available would be transparent and people for a very long time in the unemployment stuck. Until a return to work is almost excluded.

Allianz wealth report: In these 10 countries with the richest citizens Fullscreen

rank 10: Singapore

net financial assets per capita: 79.260 Euro (plus 3.7 percent year-on-year)

For comparison: Germany, with 47.680 Euro on rank 18



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