had to abdicate As the Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann, due to the notorious lack of success in front of two and a half years, asked him to be a Journalist, what he intended to do for now. “Something with Europe,” the social Democrat, almost bored. So, as the rich were in Brussels and Strasbourg self-service counters for the unemployed politicians who are allowed to pick and choose on a whim what is Nice out.

Faymanns successor to Christian core, was voted out of office after only 18 months, after the fact, it is the bad example, and with even more chutzpah: The social Democrat, proclaimed recently myself as the top candidate of the SPÖ for the next European elections. Its Basis is he not asked in the first place.

the Two Austrians is the change to Brussels and Strasbourg, although ultimately unsuccessful. Core had to move to a Protest from the party completely from politics, Faymann now makes “something with real estate”. But the two showed clearly that she lives very well yet, this view of Europe as a last exit, as a cooling pond for washed-up, as a soft power, in the Failure of the fall. An office in Brussels, one in Strasbourg, a diet and an opulent fee: There are worse things.

The European elections in 2019 seam, and anywhere in Europe it will be in the next few months, similar stories of people pawing at the ground and the elbow to a good place on the list, or even a Post in the EU to get Commission. Still, the EU Parliament and Commission are also places to be annoying and redundant party to supply or dispose of it.

The Hessian Ex-culture Minister Nicola Beer, currently General Secretary of the liberals, according to internal rumors of such a case. You will lead the FDP in the election campaign, and starting in may, then in Brussels.

party leader Christian Lindner praises Beer, although the word Kingdom as a “political heavy weight” for the upcoming “key choice”, as a “convinced and convincing European”. But, at least, as the General Secretary of the 48 had been able to collect-Year-old never really points. Questionable whether Beer would be shipped to Brussels, would you set on the home front.

And then there is, almost as a counter-proposal, and those who must be carried to the Hunt, as Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD), which would prefer to remain in Berlin, and even openly says. Even the whole of the socialist group in the EU-Parliament, by a German. However, Udo Bullmann, in distant Berlin to little friends, he acts too independent, too little in the sense of the party leadership. Therefore, it must be satisfied of Hesse, with a second place in the list.

The Best prefer to stay “home”

in Short: With the staff that wants to go to Brussels or need to, the EU continues to be a Problem. Always less (or less obvious) examples for the famous mocking verse from “grandpa”, to be sent to Europe. But still the first guard in the leadership of the EU Commission or the European Parliament in Strasbourg. At the level of Officials in the Commission and at the top of some institutions. But at least the Latter of the financial crisis of the last years is partly due.

The crisis has swept several German in top European positions, Klaus Regling, for example, that since may 2010 the today, ESM-called EU-directs rescue. To put a German on the top of a move was, above all, the German resistance to the bailout policy a little to mitigate. Also the former FDP politician Werner Hoyer, since 2012, President of the European investment Bank (EIB), it would have had without the crisis too severe to be Bank-in-chief.

Often want or want the Best to serve but still prefer to “home” and not in “Europe”. Good staff is so important, in order to make the EU more attractive. One reason for this lies in the ambivalent relationship of the member States constituting the Union.

The would 28, or soon to be 27 members of the EU want to bring together have more weight than every Single one of them on the scale. You know that you need robust structures and representatives, which are not a briefcase carrier. But when it comes to influence – also in the form of a self-confident representative to Brussels, is an independent EU but uncomfortable and unpredictable.

Brussels, as a launching pad

especially from a German perspective, Europe was for a very long time the one level, on the political careers rather unspectacular ending, but rarely began or travel shots. This has changed recently though. In the last Federal election ran alongside the SPD candidate for Chancellor, Martin Schulz, four other members of the European Parliament for the German Bundestag.

signals But also this development: more Important than Brussels and Strasbourg, the main cities are. Brussels is no longer just a transfer station, but also the launch pad.

But the true aim of the political aspirations of Europe – of exceptions, such as EPP head, Manfred Weber (CSU) apart, spent his entire political life in Brussels – at the least. Also Günther Oettinger had never flirted with Brussels than Angela Merkel in 2009, seconded to the EU Commission. The then Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, a defeat at the state election threatened but after a few political missteps. And so Merkel took him out of the line of fire.

The fate of Europe is determined not only by the Best, the most Qualified and most Interested, but of coincidences, political, batch reasons were, and often the whole of Europe far.

Donald Tusk, for example, even if he is a good President of the EU, had not assured for months that he think seriously about a change from Warsaw to Brussels. “For me, Poland is the most important, I’ll stay here,” said the former Prime Minister, but was eliminated. What are we to think of such a President?

Tusk had been a “bad, very bad” the Prime Minister says his arch-rival Jaroslaw Kaczynski. He was glad, however, that a Pole have to get a high Post. Better, you cannot put the problematic Image of Brussels.


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