Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin
In the capital airport Sheremetyevo want to install playgrounds “Train” and “Ship”. This information to the Agency “Moscow” confirmed the press service of the harbors.
Specifies that the airport plans to enter into a contract for the supply and installation of playgrounds for children aged three to seven years in terminals B, C and E.
Earlier it was reported that at the beginning of 2024 is planned to open the railway line between the southern and Northern terminal complexes at Sheremetyevo airport. Construction work has already deployed and tested in two stages. In the first phase will build 8-kilometer-long railway line with a new station Sheremetyevo-1, priemootpravochnye three ways, double-track and single-track sections and two racks.
the Branch will connect terminals D, E, F and B, C. This will allow to organize the movement of trains between STK and the South terminal complex (STC).
see also
the S2 Terminal at Sheremetyevo is scheduled to open in 2026, houserebate among the ten largest airports in Europe