Honest interview

Has singer and “DSDS” juror Pietro Lombardi (27, “Lombardi”) been a multi-millionaire for a long time? The 27-year-old spoke openly about his finances to bodybuilder Kevin Wolter (32) in an interview for his YouTube channel . How does he make the most money and what does he like to spend it on? “I would even say that I earn the least with music a year,” explains the “DSDS” winner from 2011.

“I’m a franchiser,” Lombardi summarizes. He has companies, real estate and various other things. He also has “a supermarket”. The question of how much he actually earns is obviously uncomfortable for him. But he answers: “In a really good month, I can make 1 million.” But it had to be a “really, really good month”, with a “blatant deal”, but there were “not many of them in the year”, Lombardi admits. The average monthly income is between 100,000 and 200.00 euros.

And what about its expenses? After all, he’s an avowed shopaholic. “There are months when I only spend 4,000 to 5,000 euros, but there are of course months when I spend 50,000 euros,” admits Lombardi. For example, this can be achieved quickly with an expensive watch.

But the 27-year-old also warns: “I tell everyone out there […] you shouldn’t forget the relationship. I know exactly what I’m spending and I know exactly what I have. […] Even if I spend a lot of money, I have a clear structure in my head. ”He even gives an example: If you have a total of 200,000 euros in your account, you shouldn’t get a watch for 20,000 euros. “That is my opinion,” said Pietro Lombardi, who, by the way, is currently single, as he also revealed in the conversation.

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(cam / spot)



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