Biography 18/03/20 Petr Masherov: the mystery of the death of the main applicant for a post of the head of the USSR
the First Secretary of the Communist party of the Byelorussian SSR, Pyotr Mironovich Masherov, according to the official version, died in 1980 in a car accident. However, according to some experts, the circumstances of his death may be an indirect evidence of the real murder.
an accident?
At the time of the death of Peter Masherova turned 62. He has led Belarus for more than 15 years, during which the Republic has flourished and has consistently ranked first among others in many respects. According to his contemporaries, have Masherova was a pure reputation, he was very charming and modest in behavior and in external attributes. It is extremely cheap suit immediately caught the eyes of the Prosecutor, Vladimir Kalinichenko, after the accident, came to the morgue.
that day 4 Oct 1980, about half of the third Masherov in a black car “the Seagull”, which in those days were traditionally high-ranking officials, accompanied by security, and 2 car “Volga” left Minsk in order to visit the nearby farms. After half an hour on the Moscow highway in the oncoming lane there was a truck and collided with Chayka. Masherov, who occupied the front seat beside the driver, died.
the Death of Masherova declared an accident. Guilty of road accident recognized the driver of the ill-fated truck by the name Pustovit. However, the daughter of Masherov was one of the first suggested that her father was killed. The main motives for the crimes could be a real job Masherov or his upcoming appointment, claiming that he was the main contender for the post of head of government of the USSR. The same view was held not only ordinary residents of Belarus, respecting your Chapter, but some members of the then elite. For example, Ermek Ibraimov, Syn Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan, also claimed that the death of Masherov was not an accident.
In favor of this version say a lot of facts. First, the car Masherov was accompanied by the usual civilian vehicles without flashing lights and siren, and the departure of the official in violation of his subordinates and not reported in GAI. Second, shortly before the accident, the chief bodyguard Masherov, who held this position for more than 12 years, somehow suddenly transferred to another job. Thirdly, the day of the disaster Masherov sat in “the Seagull”, and not in another working car “ZIL” which is sure to withstand the blow.
in addition suspect and the circumstances of the accident. In fact trucks had 2. They moved each other towards the motorcade. The driver of the second truck Pustovit claimed that the driver was acting very strangely, then reducing the speed to 60, then increasing to 80 km/h. He just didn’t give Pustovity to overrun (N. Sinkovic, “Assassination and staging from Lenin to Yeltsin”). Then a moving truck braked sharply, thus forcing Pustovit to go into the oncoming lane where he collided with masherovsky “Chaika”. It is noteworthy that, according to eyewitnesses, shortly before the accident one of the cars – white “Volga” – a short pause in the left column, like feeding someone a signal. Some people think that this signal was intended for the driver of the first truck.
…or an accident?
However, direct evidence that the accident was staged, still at the moment. Additionally, supporters of an accident with Masherov bring in proof of your version of many arguments. First, according to witnesses, the head of the Belarusian SSR really could not stand the pathos. That is why it is always forbidden to drivers of support vehicles to include flashing beacons and sirens, and also refused to ride powerful truck “ZIL”.
second, according to some experts, causes suspicion and the aforementioned motive. The thing is, even if the fact that Peter Masherova really shone the place of the head of the government, it would most likely just before he would not allow. And this does not have to kill him. With regard to the position of Secretary of the Communist party of Belarus, it is possible that someone really was aiming for this post. But again, 100% of the total evidence to support such claims.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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