Contents page 1 — All the world looks to Paris page 2 — It seemed hard to forgive page 3 — “no peace” On a page

Some of the maps are small works of art: they are distinguished by colour and line, precision, and elegance. Depending on which corner of the world they depict, and what is the topic you illustrate seem they are different: Hard breaks appear as clear contrasts, while it recognizes the change gradual Transitions of shades. It is the attempt to translate the confusion of the world in an orderly manner and drawing. No innocent images of reality. Cards have something Deceptive, your perfection suggests a uniqueness that there is not real. More: cards can a land pretending its political, economic and cultural reality in the first place.

doing one of the cartographers, as they brought in during the Paris peace conference of January 1919, the world on paper: your cards designed a policy to be justified reality. To your drawing boards they designed the procedure, which should be created in Paris. The cartographers should feed the arguments of the politicians and negotiators – with Material that was rare beyond all doubt. Not a few of their drawings, so the American chief cartographer Isaiah Bowman summed it up, were of pure Manipulation. “It would take a huge monograph,” he wrote, “to create a analysis of all of the types of cartographic forgeries that the war and the peace caused. A card was a glossy Poster, and the fact that it was a card, gave her respect and the appearance of authenticity. A compromised card, however, the rescue was a ring for many a faltering Argument.”

maps maps were produced for the meetings of the Paris peace conference, every Delegation had brought their signatories. Alone the American employees, about 100 of them. The effort seemed justified, because the task could hardly be greater: in parts of the Arab world and Asia, have been re-assembled. But most of all it met Europe: Eleven new States emerged in the old continent; new borders were drawn, Nations and their populations re-defined.

Kersten Knipp

is a book author and Journalist. He lives in Cologne

the new order was Sealed by the five contracts were signed between June 1919 and August 1920, in the Paris suburbs of Versailles, Saint-Germain, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Trianon, and Sevres. You should the fate of the continent into the 21st century. Century.

The young British Diplomat Harold Nicolson recalled that, at least, the idealists were under the to Paris sent to dealers with a large, almost sacred seriousness of their task: “We prepared for a just peace, but eternal peace,” he wrote later. “For us, the glow of a Holy Nation surrounded. We had to be attentive, strict, sincere and ascetic. Because we were going to do great, permanent and noble things.” These things had to be done as accurately as possible. Urge US President Woodrow Wilson recalled that what was at stake: “If it is not working properly, is screaming, the world’s hue and Cry.”

With a lot of staff, the representatives of the 27 with Germany in the war, the States traveled to Paris, as the conference in January 1919 began: Over 10,000 experts, representatives, negotiators, diplomats and politicians were involved during those twelve months, in the negotiations. They met in 58 committees, watched by around 500 journalists. Alone in the Assembly more than 1,000 delegates sat. Carefully you not watched over the interests of their States, always keen to ensure that the benefits of the other went at the expense of their own country.

This Text comes from the magazine of history, No. 1/2019. The current issue you can buy on newsstands or here.

Actually had to serve the conference in Paris, the vorverstä ending of the victorious powers and to perform a preliminary peace to the circuits, then, as in previous Peace on a larger Congress with the loser Nations would be negotiated. But the allies changed their plans in the spring of 1919, because the negotiations were complicated and lengthy enough.

such A mammoth conference and logistically, was a huge challenge. Alone, the British were represented, together with representatives of their colonies, the last of which with more than 1000 employees in Paris. First of all, they had rented the Hotel Astoria and the Hotel Majestic on the Avenue Kléber. But their capacity alone, the Astoria 430 rooms had been exhausted – were soon. New booking requests arrived at the British Embassy in Paris; its Director, Edward Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, afterwards came the requests. “It is a day on which no telegrams reach, ask me to ensure the accommodation of every Tom, Dick, or Harry goes by,” he complained in advance of the conference. Stanley rented in strict consultation with the Ministry of Finance to the Hotel La Pelouse, then the Baltimore and the d’albe.


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