Over 10 thousand Muscovites on the first day have applied for unemployment benefit in connection with the situation with coronavirus, informs the government of Moscow on its website.
Deputy mayor of Moscow on issues of social development, MS Rakova said that the currently received about 10 thousand applications from residents of the city to register as unemployed, and on the website of the employment service came more than 40 thousand people per day.
According to her, the situation with the spread of coronavirus can cause difficulties with the job search, can lead to reduction of employees. In this regard, a decision was made about the support of the Muscovites.
Rakova added that payments will be able to residents of Moscow, spent in 2024 at least 60 calendar days. Compensation scheduled for the period from 1 April to 30 September.
Earlier, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the city will be introduced compensation to the unemployed, the total amount of benefit and the new payment will amount to 19.5 thousand rubles. per month.