Who are the favorites now?

Five of the originally ten celebrities were still part of the “Challenge” edition of “Let’s Dance”: Luca Hänni (25), Ilka Bessin (48), Moritz Hans (24), Tijan Njie (28) and Lili Paul-Roncalli ( 22) fought for the semi-finals. This did not succeed after spectacular performances by the other celebrities Ilka Bessin – the dancing gap of the “Cindy aus Marzahn” actress to the other candidates was simply too big.

Luca Hänni and Christina Luft (30) delivered in full right from the start. Jorge González (52) did not get any more after her cha-cha-cha, Motsi Mabuse (38) also said: “That was the best cha-cha-cha of this season.” Even Joachim Llambi (55) found: ” It was even the best opening dance of the season. In addition: mega footwork! ”The two scored a full 30 points.

Ilka Bessin already said in the one-player game: “I know the others are first division and I am only district class.” After the subsequent Slow Fox, Llambi made it clear: “The others are not first division but Champions League.” The class difference also reflected itself the points. Bessin and her partner Erich Klann (32) scored only ten points.

Moritz Hans and Renata Lusin (32) then returned to the upper class level. Her power salsa was well received by all judges, even though González felt that Hans “sometimes forgot to breathe.” Mabuse thought that you could “rely on your 110 percent every week.” Your timing, your energy, your presence is all very, very good. ”But that means that, as Llambi explained, he would become“ stiff and tense ”and lack“ looseness and rhythm, especially in salsa ”. The two got 23 points.

Tijan Njie and Kathrin Menzinger (32) convinced more with their subsequent Charleston. González saw “pure joie de vivre”, Mabuse attested the couple “350 km / h on the highway”, Llambi agreed: “That was a brutal pace.” However, the dance did not meet his personal taste: “It is like a picture – one can say: I like it or I don’t like it. ”The level of criticism rose noticeably. The two could be satisfied with the 26 jury points.

Lili Paul-Roncallis gave her partner Massimo Sinató (39) an accidental headache during the rehearsals the day before the show; he had to vomit and be looked after by doctors. After their performance, Sinató confessed what he could see: “I’m still struggling.” The biggest favorites for the overall victory still met Llambi’s taste more with her Charleston: “It was a very well-rounded thing, that was a Charleston as we know it. ”The appearance of the jury was worth 27 points.

At the second dance round of the evening, each couple had to master a challenge in their dance. Ilka Bessin and Erich Klann had to use subjects for 30 seconds (11 points); Moritz Hans and Renata Lusin were to perform with their eyes hidden for half a minute (29 points); Luca Hänni and Christina Luft integrated chairs into their choreography (30 points); Lili Paul-Roncalli and Massimo Sinató were connected by a long cloth during their dance (29 points); Tijan Njie and Kathrin Menzinger had a rope tied around their feet (30 points). What the spectators can look forward to in the last episodes was impressively demonstrated by the remaining couples: expressiveness, athleticism, coolness, joie de vivre, rhythm, sex appeal, tact, and, and, and.

Which of the four remaining celebrities now has the best chances of this year’s “Let’s Dance” finale should decide two factors based on the performances so far: the respective day form and the calls from the audience. Juror Llambi stated more than once: “Now it’s about every dance, every little thing can make a difference.”

Missed episode? “TVNOW” has all the episodes of “Let’s Dance” on demand.


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