Approximately one out of every five full-time employees in Germany work for a low wage.
nationwide, 4.14 million people earned 19.3 percent of full-time employees – less than 2203 euros gross per month, according to the reply of the Federal Ministry of labour, on a Little request of the Left-Bundestag Deputy, Susanne Ferschl shows. The paper of the German press Agency, previously the editorial network Germany (RND) had reported about it. 2203 euros in the month, the so-called low-wage threshold.
“The Federal government, the people in their time of Need alone, and holds on to your misguided labor policy,” said Ferschl the RND. Hartz IV have caused dumping wages, and millions of people could not make a living from their work. “Can’t afford to have a democracy in the long term.”
Between West and East Germany there is reported to be a large gap Was in West Germany, the proportion of Low-wage workers at 16.5 per cent, in Eastern Germany 32.1 percent. 26.5 percent of full-time employed women worked for a low wage, in the case of men, it was 19.3 percent. Quite a high proportion of young Low-wage workers: In the age group under 25 years of age were 40.6 percent.
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