It has been disputed for years: The principle, “Write by ear”, with the primary school students so far in the first two classes write should learn. This meant that spelling errors were not corrected. Didn’t like a lot of parents, and experts warned of this regulation. Now, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia on the topic.

The learning principle has long been controversial

in the Future, primary school students are supposed to learn a required vocabulary of 533 words, with all the peculiarities of German spelling. This provides a new guide for teachers by the academic year 2019/20. For the first time, a binding basic vocabulary will be introduced to the NRW-elementary schools, said education Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) on Tuesday in Düsseldorf.

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“The rules of the German spelling can and must be learned from the first class,” she said. Studies have made it clear that “too many pupils master the spelling good enough”. Teachers will soon control again reinforced that students write correctly from the start, it was said in the Ministry of education. The method of “Writing by ear” “on the beginning processes of learning to Write is limited”.

children are to certain words by heart

learning The new vocabulary consists of two Parts: 533 “of Thought and Merkwörter”, the important phenomena of the German language, write and reflect. This includes words such as “dog”, the write way around from the plural (“dogs”) can be derived. Or words like “much”, in which you have to learn the spelling.

words with “ie” as “Tuesday” or “fly” are also part of the Duty of vocabulary such as “fight”, with “pf” or “take”, with “h”. Often wrong, words like “little”, “few”, “most of the time” or “be written in the elementary school”. You are one of the future destinations to the Strange. A 200 words a comprehensive individual vocabulary for individual children is important, for example, “football” or “carnival”.

parents are allowed to write

correct so Far were elementary school students in the first two classes, by ear, from the third class, the spelling should be sitting. Parents should not correct the children at the beginning, as far as possible, to discourage them. Now it’s in the new guide: to learn how to write, was “not a natural growing process that happens almost by itself”. Has been developed for the guidance of the professors Petra Hüttis-Graff and Ulrike Lüdtke from the universities of Hamburg and Hannover together with a Team of science.

wt / dpa


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