Protect the EU limit values for nitrogen oxides and particulate matter from diseases, even death? Or are they exaggerated? While some warn not to trivialize the fine dust and nitrogen dioxide, criticised doctors for a group of Lung and doctors, the limit values were been arbitrarily on the Basis of inadequate research data and, ultimately, to strictly. What science knows, and what is in dispute?

All of the questions in the Overview: fine dust, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide – what is what? How harmful is particulate matter? Currently, all of the nitrogen oxides are talking about – why? Diesel fumes are particularly harmful? What will now be a fight? Why is it so difficult to determine the harmfulness? Fine dust, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide – what is what?

In car exhaust put pollutants. To count the fine dust all the particles floating in the air, and especially from sulfate, nitrate, ammonia, sodium chloride, carbon, mineral dust and water. This can be soot particles, tire wear particles, plastic particles, fertilizer and waste residues. Depending on the size of the dust is fine – Particulate Matter, also known as PM – in the groups divided: Under PM10 refers to all particles of dust with a diameter smaller than ten micrometers. In addition, there are the fine fraction in the size range of 2.5 microns and ultrafine particles with a diameter of less than 0.1 micro-meters.

Sometimes, oxides of nitrogen, short-NOx are referred to in the public debate, also as a fine dust, by Definition, but they form a separate group (see Infobox), and do not count, strictly speaking. Nitrogen oxides are produced as products of unwanted side reactions in combustion processes. Usually you get about internal combustion engines and combustion plants for coal, Oil, Gas, wood and waste into the air. There are different gaseous Compounds, which are composed of the atoms of nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O). Among the nitrogen oxides including nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. They apply in most of the cities as an air pollutant number one.

fine dust What is air pollution?

Dirty it is outside by pollutants from different sources: industry, road transport, agriculture, energy production and nature itself. The cleaner the air is, the less likely people suffering from seizures to strokes, heart disease, lung cancer or respiratory disorders such as Asthma. Also people have proven to be longer, if you can breathe fresh air. The medical journal The Lancet (Landrigan, 2017) estimates that air pollution is worldwide, approximately nine million premature deaths.


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