A mysterious crime occurred in Dormagen late Saturday afternoon. During a police operation, a man had to be shot by the emergency services on site. During the subsequent search of his home, the police found another dead person.

The police officers had gone to the semi-detached house in a quiet residential area because there had been evidence of a violent crime in the family. This was confirmed by a police spokeswoman. When they arrived at the scene, the police had entered the house. "During the course of the operation, the officers used a firearm against a suspect who was in the house. The man suffered serious injuries, which he died despite immediate attempts at resuscitation, ”the police said that evening. At first, the police did not give any details about the reasons for the use of firearms.

When the man's apartment was ransacked, the police discovered another body. "On the suspicion of a homicide, a murder commission headed by the Düsseldorf police headquarters took over the further investigations," the police announced that evening. Who exactly the dead are and what exactly happened in the house is still unclear. The officials deployed in the mission are now being looked after by a psychosocial support service. More details about this mysterious crime should be revealed in the next few hours.



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