Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Evgeny Samarin
Metropolitan Department of housing and public utilities urged residents not to forget about separate waste collection, according to RIA Novosti.
In particular, the Agency asked Muscovites not to forget the blue container. In addition, residents urged to separately collect waste which is in direct contact with mucous membranes of a person.
the Department also recommended to defer the elimination of hazardous wastes, in particular, thermometers and batteries. The Department offered to put them in separate boxes and leave at home. When the pandemic will end coronavirus, according to the Department, the accumulated can and will bring in special points of reception.
in addition, parents are urged not to put in composter wipes and thoroughly clean container intended for recycling. This is necessary due to the fact that they can be dangerous bacteria.
the Program on separate waste collection is underway in Moscow from 1 January 2024. In the ranking of Greenpeace-Russia’s capital ranked first among cities regarding the accessibility of separate waste collection.
on March 14 Ecocenter “Sparrow hills” took action “lets Help the nature together”, dedicated to separate waste collection. Earlier, the Ministry of nature had proposed to abolish the fees from the population for waste separation.
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