As it became known “MK”, ladies ‘ the conflict occurred in the night of 28 March at Moldavskaya street. And the reason for this was 51-year-old Cyril, a photographer by profession. The evening of March 27 the man promised to visit at the light of two lonely friends — the 51-year-old mother and her 31-year-old daughter, the Manager by profession. He planned to bring alcoholic liqueur of our own making. But literally 10 minutes before the appointed time, the man stopped returning calls,turning off the phone. Later that evening, frustrated ladies went for a walk with the dogs breed Pomeranian and sheltie. Walking past his friend of a neighbor on the second floor, they decided to peep in her window, and suddenly saw Cyril — a man well rested in the company of 36-the summer hostess of the apartment. Of course, ladies, angry this treachery, began to sort things out loud, then the neighbour poured boiling water on their heads from the window. A little later, jumped with the knife and one by one cut discouraged rivals. Cavalier, meanwhile, chose to retire.
“Ambulance” called the youngest of the wounded. Mother and daughter were taken to hospital with knife injuries. In a more serious condition was an older lady, she worked in the intensive care unit. After days of both the injured was discharged, the hospital, as explained by the ladies, work is underway on the conversion under infected with a coronavirus. The villain is detained, the question on excitation of criminal case.