Biography 23/02/20 Movladi Visaitov: what the Chechen was awarded the American order of the “Legion of Honor”
Movladi Visaitov can be called one of the most legendary figures of the great Patriotic war. He shook hands with American General Bolling at the meeting on the Elbe. During the life of Visaitov has not awarded the title of Hero, but I got the Harry Truman, the order of the “Legion of Honor”.
the Brave commander
If you believe Khalid Ochiewo, the author of the publication “the lay of the Chechen-Ingush”, Movladi Visaitov was born in 1913 into a peasant family-Chechen Alero, in the village of Lower Naur. Homes Movladi left in 1932: it was then he was called up for military service. Before the Second World war Visaitov managed to graduate from the cavalry school, after which he served briefly near the border, near Brest fortress. The great Patriotic war, Movladi Visaitov had met in the rank of captain. In the first days of the war, he, as commander of the squadron, was wounded: for bravery in a battle near the Ukrainian village of Kyrdany was awarded the order of the red banner.
after Recovering from his wounds, Visaitov back in operation. According to the Adiz, Kusaev in his book “Chechnya: years and people”, after recovery Movladi Aleroeva was sent to a separate 114-Yu, Chechen-Ingush cavalry division, formed in Grozny in 1942. But it was soon disbanded and on its basis established volunteer 255-fifth of the Chechen-Ingush cavalry regiment and separate battalion. Chief of staff of the regiment and was appointed Movladi Visaitov. And after 2 months he became its commander. Visaitova regiment took an active part in legendary Stalingrad battle and fought to the death on the outskirts of the city.
Chechen shakes hands with the American
during the battle for Stalingrad the regiment visaitova lost many fighters. To refill it there was no way. But Movladi of Aleroeva were in for another surprise. Writes Vladimir Medinscue in the publication “War. Myths of the USSR”, the Soviet army was a rumor that the light came orders to remove all Chechens from the front and deported to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. According to some, Visaitov was also dismissed. Then about a hundred soldiers of Chechen origin are lined up in red square. Suddenly, the protesters came Marshal Rokossovsky, by which Chechens and returned to their commands. However, Medinsky called described the episode just a legend.
whatever it was, in 1944, Movladi Visaitov was appointed commander of the 28th guards cavalry regiment. The regiment fought on the Belarusian front, in Poland, but especially distinguished himself during the Berlin operation. As stated in the publication “Who was who in the great Patriotic war” (authors: Oleg Rzheshevskiy and Nikolay Borisov), in April 1945, the regiment visaitova broke through the enemy’s defenses in the German city of Schwedt and took Rheinsberg. In early may 1945 Movladi Aleroeva along with his soldiers went to the river Elbe, and met with U.S. troops and shook hands with General Bolling. According to tradition, the captains gave each other gifts: Visaitov lost to Bolling horse, and Bolling Visaitov – army jeep.
the Knight of the “Legion of Honor”, but not a Hero
Soon, if you believe Alexander Witkowski, the author of the book “secrets of the KGB”, Bolling gave Movladi Visaitov on behalf of U.S. President Harry Truman, the order of the “Legion of Honor”. In presenting the award, the leader of the United States noted “the heroic deeds visaitova associated with the operations of the allies”, and also mentioned that the Soviet military commander, “disregarding his own safety, he participated in the attack, which ended with the defeat of the German armies and meet with American troops on the Elbe river”. It is worth noting that the order “Legion of Honor” is one of the highest awards of the United States, and all, including the President, are required to welcome her Beau standing.
However, the Soviet leadership took a different view. As the authors of the book “the Chechens in history, politics, science and culture of Russia: studies and documents” (Institute of Ethnology and anthropology. N. N. Maclay, 2008), Movladi Visaitov was three times presented the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but because of the notorious “fifth column” so it is not rewarded, at least in life. After the war, the legendary commander was deported to Kazakhstan. He subsequently returned to his native Chechnya, where he died in 1986. After 4 years the title of Hero Visaitov was rated, however, posthumously.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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