Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Daria myasina
Moscow Authorities will include all tools in order to monitor compliance with the isolation of citizens with a mild form of coronavirus infection. This was announced by Sergei Sobyanin in an interview with TV channel “Russia-1”.
“watching these citizens would be extremely hard. We will include for this purpose all the technical means available to the city, and organizational”, – said Sobyanin.
the Mayor spoke about the recent case where a citizen with a mild form of the coronavirus decided to go out and was in the infectious diseases hospital two hours after the release.
“in Exactly two hours he was in the infectious diseases hospital № 2 – not the best hospital in town, but no one is planning to settle: he was sitting in the house in good conditions – so I had to stay home. If it is not expensive to own health, he should think about health of citizens”, – said the mayor.
Earlier it was reported that in Moscow temporarily, it became possible to place the treatment of coronavirus infection in home treatment for those patients in whom the disease occurs in mild form.
Why Muscovites do not comply with the regime of self-isolation
Deputy mayor of Moscow on issues of social development, MS Rakova noted on March 26 that the house treated about 100 patients with the coronavirus.
She added that monitoring of patients who are undergoing treatment at home, is by using the telemedicine technologies. Around the clock, using audio and video communication with qualified physicians conduct remote consultations, assess the condition and make recommendations.
If the patient remains at home, he signs the informed consent, pledging not to violate the isolation, not to leave the house and follow the doctors ‘ orders, said Rakova.
March 25, Vladimir Putin has declared the period from 30 March to 3 April hours with pay. The decision was made in connection with the need to prevent the threat of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in the country.
In connection with the nonworking week from 28 March to 5 April in the capital halted work, restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens and other public catering enterprises. The same applies to retail facilities.
in the world, according to the who, recorded over 570 cases of infection with coronavirus. In Russia contracted the coronavirus 1264 of the patient.
In those areas, and is non-stop construction of a new infectious center
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