All passengers ‘ data will be entered into the control system, which on behalf of the government deploy the Ministry of communications. “Then with the help of Telecom operators will be controlled by their stay in quarantine, in the case of non-compliance with the isolation regime, the operators will pass this information to the interior Ministry,” – said Mishustin.
Sitting in quarantine citizens will be required upon request from the portal to fill in the journal of health and to confirm their presence at home.
According to mishustina, daily in Russia is about 36 thousand of tests for coronavirus. The Prime Minister said that about 22 thousand of tests do 95 laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor, 12 thousand – other medical organizations, and 2 thousand commercial laboratory.
the number of samples according to him, Russia is in the top three world leaders. In this case, all the tests said Mishustin, made in the domestic test-systems.
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